MIM Master: a bridge between the two shores of the Mediterranean


A truly inter-cultural offer, teaching that takes place in three different European countries, an international faculty and student population: this is what the MIM Master offers, which for more than 15 years has been the favoured study path for those who want to specialize in cultural, political and social relations between the countries of the Mediterranean.

The Master has the characteristic of being organized according to the formula of the Joint Master's Degree within the Erasmus Mundus programme, by three universities, which provide teaching staff and headquarters for the lessons: both the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 in addition to Ca’ Foscari. Thus, Master's students have the opportunity to take lessons in Spanish, French and Italian in three different European cities, according to three modules: the first (September to December) takes place in Barcelona, the second (January to March) in Venice and the third (September to January next year) in Montpellier.

The MIM is also distinguished by the international profile of its students: the 32 members this year come from 15 different countries, not only in the Mediterranean (Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon ...), but also from Canada and South America, thus witnessing a global interest in issues that affect this region.

The cultural and social mediation between the many cultures that animate the south bank of the Mediterranean, and current issues related to immigration and refugee emergency are among the topics that make up the programme for the Venetian part of this year’s Master MIM. There will also be lectures from important international guests, like that of Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, one of the major specialists in migration and Luis Martinez, an expert in relations between Italy and Libya.

Pre-registration for the 2017-2019 biennium is now available at http://www.mastermimplus.eu. Applications will be open until March 1st.