Incroci di civiltà continues


Inaugurated on March 29th at the Goldoni Theatre in Venice, the 10th edition of the international literature festival Incroci di civiltà successfully continues. Closing the festival will be Dany Laferrière and Charlotte Rampling, on Saturday April 1st at 6pm at Auditorium Santa Margherita.

Incroci di Civiltà is organized by Ca Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with the Foundation of Venice and the Municipality of Venice’s Department of Cultural Activity and Production, partnered with The BAUERs Venice, the Musei Civici Venezia Foundation and Marsilio.

TEN YEARS OF INCROCI, here's the video realized for this important edition





Until April 1st 2017, the festival will accommodate twenty five writers from twenty different countries (some of them are a cross between multiple nationalities) who will meet again in Venice to share their specific visions of the world with a public of passionate readers. A birthday that Incroci di civiltà is celebrating with emerging authors and prestigious brands, as always under the aegis of quality literature. Without constituting a true leitmotif on the programme, this year the theme will be focused on returning. Not just because some of the protagonists will return for the 10th anniversary of Incroci a few years after making their first appearance - such as Noteboom, Seth and Matar – but also because authors are invited to reflect on this theme in a dramatic moment of movement, of forced exiles and hope for return. One book that has it all and is the quintessence of the theme - already received extraordinarily well by critics and the public, and released in Italy shortly before Incroci di civiltà – is The Return by Hisham Matar.

Turkey, Romania, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Israel, the United States, Kenya, Saint Martin, Great Britain, Holland, India, Argentina, Sweden, Slovenia, Libya, Haiti, and Canada: these are all the countries that are represented by the writers at Incroci di civiltà 2017.

All events are free entry with compulsory reservation online at Reservations will open on 16th March at midday, and will stay open until the day before each event.

Like every year, the Incroci di civiltà festival benefits from a rich network of collaborations:


The BAUERs Venice / Venice Civic Museums Foundation /Marsilio
With the support of Embassy of the King of the Netherlands in Rome and the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Milan / Embasst of Sweden in Rome / Ambra Energia / Beit Venezia: House of Jewish Culture in Venice / Czech Centre in Milan / German Centre of Venetian Studies / Ca’ Foscari International College / Consulate General of the United States of America in Milan / Department of Linguistic Studies and Comparative Cultures / Department of Asian and North African Studies / The Emily Harvey Foundation / Grafiche Veneziane / Fedon / Querini Stampalia Foundation / Hotel Saturnia & International / Romanian Institute of Humanistic Culture and Research / Ministry of Culture for the Czech Republic / Palazzo Grassi - Punta customs/ San Servolo – Metropolitan Services of Venice s.r.l. / Tino Events / T Fondaco of German - DFS /The University of Warwick / Waterlines
In Collaboration with 66thand2nd / Alliance française de Venise / Italian Association for the Study of Literature in English / Civica Vez Library / Circuito Cinema Venice / Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage / Giulio Einaudi Editor / Fondazione Il Campiello / Iperborea / Italian Institute for the Culture of Nairobi / Kiarostami Foundation / La Biennale di Venezia / lineadacqua
Partner libraries Cafoscarina / Libreria MarcoPolo / Libreria Studium / Punto Einaudi Venezia
Media partner Rai Radio
Organization Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Foundation