Gender equality on the Ca’ Foscari website: roles also defined by feminine pronouns and nouns



Gender evaluation on the Ca’ Foscari website: roles and assignments are also being labeled with feminine pronouns and nouns through re-formatting the university’s website, a process that has put gender equality into the administrative language.

The female technical-administrative staff, tecnico-amministrativo, has become tecnica-amministrativa, the Director, direttore, becomes direttrice, the collaborator, collaboratore, becomes collaboratrice. The same also goes for senior positions: the reformatted system now presents for instance the role of Prorettrice Vicaria, female Prorector.

The use of the feminine grammatical gender in administrative language includes suggestions of the Crusca Academy on the use of the feminine article to indicate institutional roles and professions.

Ca’ Foscari, a university with a strong international connotation, has put into place a good practice that has been used abroad since the beginning of the 21st Century.  

Rector of Ca’ Foscari, Michele Bugliesi, commented: “As an ever-attentive university for gender evaluation and inclusion, we make our contribution starting with this area, the use of the feminine grammatical gender. It is a first step, and a good practice that we hope will help to further raise the issue, to make the use of this gender familiar in our language and to stimulate the cultural changes that result from it.”