
27 Ago 2019 11:30

Hypoxia in shallow waters and the role of sediments

Aula Delta 1B, Polo Scientifico, Via Torino 155 Mestre(VE).


Hypoxia, defined as an environmental condition of coastal waters where oxygen is below 2 mg/l (or 62 µmol/l) is a major threat for rich and diverse coastal ecosystems, because most marine macro-invertebrates respond negatively to such low levels of oxygen. Yet, these hypoxic areas are spreading in bottom waters all over the world due to overconsumption of organic matter (linked to eutrophication or continental transfer) during aerobic respiration and limited oxygen transfer from the atmosphere due to strong summer stratification. In my presentation, I will shortly introduce the situation in the Gulf of Mexico and explain the mechanisms that lead to hypoxia in that particular environment. I will then focus on the processes in the sediments and relate them to the overall reduction of oxygen during summer stratification in shallow water systems.

Bio Sketch

Dr. Christophe Rabouille is senior researcher at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ and Université Paris-Saclay, France. His main research interests concern early diagenesis in marine sediments and its modeling, and human perturbation to biogeochemical cycles in the coastal zone.


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Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica - Prof. Daniele Brigolin

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