
11 Nov 2019 15:45

Contemporary Chinese Sex-plorations in Japan: media, mobility and gender in the Sino-Japanese contex

Aula 2C, Polo Didattico San Basilio - Salizada S. Basegio, Venezia

Ciclo di incontri - What a queer! Perspectives on Gender and Queer Studies of Japan and East Asia

Speaker Jamie Coates, University of Sheffield

Introduced by Toshio Miyake, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Organizzato da Martina Cartigiano, Gaia Pagliari, Luca Domenico Artuso (Associazione Studentesca di Ca’ Foscari GESSHIN)
Instagram: gesshin_cafoscari
Facebook: Gesshin – Associazione studentesca Università Ca’ Foscari

Abstract - Japanese Adult Video (JAV) and other forms of sexualised popular culture have proliferated in East Asia, informing the desires and imaginaries of many young people in the region. This influence is particularly prevalent in Chinese-speaking countries such as the People’s Republic of China, where explicit sexual media is legally prohibited but nonetheless circulates in a variety of informal ways. It has not only shaped how gender and sexuality is performed in China though, but also shapes the activities and destinations seen as ‘desirable’ among young mobile Chinese people. In this talk, Jamie Coates discusses how young Chinese living and travelling in Japan explore different gender and sexuality possibilities. Informed by media flows that posit Japan as a ‘sexual playground’, many young Chinese people are interested in trying new things in the nightspots of Tokyo. Affording new queer possibilities and re-assertions of hegemonic masculinity, Japan’s image as sexual playground means different things to different young Chinese people. This talk explores how Japan has become an important, but sometimes problematic, site for young Chinese sexual experimentation, inviting us to think more about the relationship between media, gender, sexuality and national identity.

BioJamie Coates is an anthropologist who examines the relationship between technology, mobility and imagination in urban Northeast Asia. Building on his doctoral research on Chinese migrants in Japan, he is currently investigating how forms of play, consumption, and media use among Chinese people living in Japan are changing the way gender, sexuality and ethnicity are imagined in the Sino-Japanese context. His recent publications include ‘The Cruel Optimism of Mobility’ in positions: asia critique 27(3), and the film ‘Tokyo Pengyou’, in the Journal of Anthropological Films see



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Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea (Prof. T. Miyake), Associazione Studenti Ca' Foscari GESSHIN


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