
31 Mar 2020 14:00

Venice Research Webinar in Linguistics - online


Federica Cognola

On the licensing of null subjects across main clauses in Old High German and Old Italian (joint work with George Walkden)

While there has been a substantial body of research on the asymmetry between main and subordinate clauses in terms of the licensing of pro-drop, potential differences between types of unembedded clause have received much less attention – despite the fact that competing theories of pro-drop make strong, clear predictions about the distribution of null subjects across clause types, especially with regard to interrogatives. This paper presents the first in-depth comparative study of pro-drop in both declaratives and interrogatives in two asymmetric pro-drop languages: Old High German and Old Italian. Based on a parallel corpus study using two translations of Tatian’s Diatessaron, we show that there is a clear difference in distribution between interrogatives and declaratives: null subjects are more frequent in declarative clauses than in interrogatives, and these also differ in terms of the persons in which pro-drop is licensed. Our results speak against the V-in-C licensing theory of asymmetric pro-drop (Benincà 1984, Adams 1987 and Axel 2007), and in favour of an account based on an Agree relation with left-peripheral operators in the sense of Frascarelli (2007, 2018).

How to participate Use Chrome as your browser.Click on the link below (or copy the if you do not have Chrome as yourdefault browser), consent the use of your camera (if you want to be seen by the others) and microphone (if you want to ask a question).
The webinar will be recorded, your acceptation of the invitation includes the consensus to be recorded as a participant (silent or interacting, as you wish).
For some reason, even if the event is set as public, some user need to be accepted manually. This may take some time if the audience is numerous (as I hope).
The room will open at 13:45 to accept participants until 14:14. The talk will start at 14:15 sharp.
To keep posted add the Venice Research Webinar in Linguistics to your google calendar.

For some reason, even if the event is set as public, some user need to be accepted manually. This may take some time if the audience is numerous (as I hope). The room will open at 13:45 to accept participants until 14:14. The talk will start at 14:15 sharp.

You may follow the seminar in streaming at this link 

bio: Federica Cognola is a Senior Lecturer in German Linguistics at Ca' Foscari University in Venice. Her research interests include verb second, OV/VO word orders, overt and null referential and expletive subjects, scrambling, contact linguistics, monolingual and bilingual language acquisition, language variation and change, and diachronic syntax



L'evento si terrà in italiano


Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati, Giuliana Giusti (



webinari di marzo-aprile 2020 262 KB

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