
01 Lug 2022 12:00

Ithaca: Restoring, Dating and Placing Ancient Texts with Machine Learning

Aula C, edificio ZETA - Campus Scientifico via Torino

Thea Sommerschield, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Ancient history relies on disciplines such as epigraphy - the study of inscribed texts known as inscriptions - for evidence of the thought, language, society and history of past civilizations. However, over the centuries, many inscriptions have been damaged to the point of illegibility, transported far from their original location and their date of writing is steeped in uncertainty. Here we present Ithaca, a deep neural network for the textual restoration, geographical attribution and chronological attribution of ancient Greek inscriptions. Ithaca is designed to assist and expand the historian's workflow. The architecture of Ithaca focuses on collaboration, decision support and interpretability. While Ithaca alone achieves 62% accuracy when restoring damaged texts, the use of Ithaca by historians improved their accuracy from 25% to 72%, confirming the synergistic effect of this research tool. Ithaca can attribute inscriptions to their original location with an accuracy of 71% and can date them to less than 30 years of their ground-truth ranges, redating key texts of Classical Athens and contributing to topical debates in ancient history. This research shows how models such as Ithaca can unlock the cooperative potential between artificial intelligence and historians, transformationally impacting the way that we study and write about one of the most important periods in human history.

Bio Sketch:
Thea Sommerschield is a historian and epigrapher of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. Her research applies Machine Learning to the study of the written cultures of the ancient Mediterranean. She is a Marie Curie Fellow at Ca' Foscari University of Venice working on the PythiaPlus project. She is also a Fellow in Hellenic Studies at Harvard's Center for Hellenic Studies, and member of the Google Cloud Research Innovators 2022 cohort.


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Prof. Marcello Pelillo

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