
24 Feb 2020 12:30

ANNULLATO: Marie Claire Villeval - The way people lie in markets

Meeting Room 1, Campus San Giobbe, Venezia


A causa del dffondersi di casi di infezione da Coronavirus 19nCoV, al fine di ridurre la possibilità di contagio, è stata disposta la sospensione di tutte le attività che coinvolgano studenti e/o persone esterne all'università (conferenze, eventi,  seminari, iniziative di divulgazione scientifica) da lunedì 24 febbraio e fino a sabato 29 febbraio.


Marie Claire Villeval, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), University of Lyon

co-author: Chloe Tergiman

Abstract: in a finitely repeated game with asymmetric information, we experimentally study how reputation and standard market mechanisms change the nature of fraudulent announcements by experts. While some lies can be detected ex post by investors, others remain deniable. Lying behavior suggests that individuals care more about the consequences of being caught, rather than being caught or the act of lying per se. Allowing for reputation reduces the frequency of lies that can be detected but has no impact on deniable lies: individuals simply hide their lies better and fraud persists. Competition without reputation increases risky lies and never protects investment.


The event will be held in Italian

Organized by

Dipartimento di Economia (EcSeminars; CVera)



Paper 680 KB

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