
18 Sep 2024 12:15

Enrico Fornasiero [Pre-defense] - The Impact of Non-Governmental Organisations

Sala Partesotti, Building E, San Giobbe Economics Campus

PhD Student in Economics
36th cycle

Full title: The Impact of Non-Governmental Organisations on Children's Wellbeing: Evidence from Ethiopia


This research studies the role of the Non-Governmental Sector on household economic outcomes by analysing the impact of receiving support from Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) on children’s food security and time-use in Ethiopia. I exploit the implementation timing of a restrictive NGO law to solve the potential endogeneity concerns by defining a two stage model. I find evidence that receiving NGO support increases children's time spent on income-generating activities, reducing the number of hours dedicated to household chores. These effects are mainly due to children who either live in the poorest households, in rural communities, or in a family in which the primary occupation of the household head is agriculture. Notably, receiving support from an NGO increases the time children spend in education only for female-headed households.

The seminar can be attended also remotely, connecting to ZOOM.

Link Zoom:
ID riunione:  880 2639 9452
Passcode: InSem-2425


The event will be held in English

Organized by

Department of Economics (InSeminars)

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