
25 Feb 2020 14:00

ANNULLATO: Sea ice proxies in polar ice cores

Campus Scientifico via Torino - edificio DELTA, Aula 2C


A causa del diffondersi di casi di infezione da Coronavirus 19nCoV, al fine di ridurre la possibilità di contagio, è stata disposta la sospensione di tutte le attività che coinvolgano studenti e/o persone esterne all'università (conferenze, eventi,  seminari, iniziative di divulgazione scientifica) da lunedì 24 febbraio e fino a sabato 29 febbraio.


Andrea Spolaor, CNR-ISP

Sea ice occurs in the polar regions, where atmospheric temperatures are sufficiently cold to freeze Seawater. The majority of paleo-scale sea ice reconstructions are based on sea ice proxies preserved in marine sediment cores however they lack of temporal resolution compare ice core archive. The ice core paleoclimate community lacks a conservative and quantitative proxy for sea ice extent. The most commonly applied proxy, methanesulphonic acid (MSA), is volatile and has not been demonstrated reliably for ice core records longer than a few centuries. Sodium has also been applied to reconstruct sea ice extent in a semi-quantitative manner although the effects of meteorological transport noise are significant. More recently have been proposed a direct link between the halogens bromine and iodine found in polar snow and ice to sea ice extent. we will present the current state of understanding of sea ice extent and variability based on analysis of the halogens bromine and iodine in ice core records.


L'evento si terrà in italiano


Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica - Barbara Stenni

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