
05 Ott 2022 17:00

Medieval Latin in a Bilingual Context Between Philology, Linguistics and Digital Humanities

Sala Milone, DSU; online

On October 5, 2022 Agnese Macchiarelli will presents 'Medieval Latin in a Bilingual Context Between Philology, Linguistics and Digital Humanities'. The seminar is part of the seminars series organized by the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH), Department of Humanities, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. It will be held in person and online.

Agnese Macchiarelli is a Medieval Latin Philology Scholar who received her PhD from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, among the ERC STG BIFLOW Project. She is the current Research Fellow in Digital Textual Scholarship at VeDPH, investigating the language of Theosophia, a 14th century religious text written in Latin by the Dominican friar Iacopo Passavanti. The aim of her project is to build a computational model for the syntax of this treatise through the construction of a treebank (THTB), which will be related with similar resources, particularly the treebank of the works of Thomas Aquinas (ITTB). On the occasion of the Seminar, the first results of her research will be shown, with an introduction to frameworks and linguistic theories on which treebanking is based.


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