
02 Mag 2022 12:15

Andrea Mattozzi - Labor Associations: The Blue Wall of Silence (joint with Levine and Modica)

Meeting Room 1 (San Giobbe Economics Campus) + Live streaming (ZOOM)

Andrea Mattozzi, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy), European University Institute, Fiesole (Italy)

We develop a model showing that when labor demand is inelastic and individual behavior is easily monitored a firm’s employees may prefer to protect its shirkers. By optimally reducing overall effort and increasing wages for all, a labor association rationally uses its monopoly power as described in the left wing labor slogan “work less so that all may work.” In addition, employees have a strong incentive to conceal information about peers’ performance from firms, what has been infamously known as the blue wall of silence in the case of the police. We argue that a number of recently proposed remedies to this problem are unlikely to succeed and suggest a more promising alternative: increase competition.

The seminar can be attended also remotely, connecting to ZOOM: - Meeting ID 814 1044 7801


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Department of Economics (EcSeminars; CVera)


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