
28 Nov 2018 10:30

OJAE (Oral Japanese Assessment Europe) a Venezia

Polo didattico San Basilio - Aula 2A e 1G


A Ca’ Foscari sarà possible partecipare per la prima volta al progetto di ricerca Oral Japanese Assessment Europe (OJAE), che mira a creare un metodo di verifica delle competenze orali in lingua giapponese.

OJAE è un progetto di ricerca dell’European Institute for Japanese Language Education e.V. (EIJaLE), che costituisce uno Special Interest Group (SIG) della European Association for Japanese Language Education (

Se volete partecipare al progetto, potete sostenere l’esame orale e mettere alla prova il vostro giapponese. Basta iscrivervi al seguente URL entro il 23 Novembre 2018:

Numero massimo di partecipanti: 18
Livello che verrà testato: B2 CEFR, (pari circa al N2-N3 del JLPT)
Giorno sede: mercoledì 28 Novembre 2018 - San Basilio Aula 2A e 1G
Durata effettiva di ciascun colloquio: max 30 minuti
Modalità: la commissione di esame formerà coppie di candidati a cui proporrà dei temi di dialogo. (maggiori informazioni qui)
Risultati: dopo circa 60 gg.
Referenti: dott.ssa Kayato Sembokuya, dott.ssa Kyoko Kato, dr. Marcella Mariotti
Per informazioni: dott.ssa Kayato Sembokuya (

Tutti gli esami saranno videoregistrati e i contenuti saranno utilizzati solo a scopo di ricerca. Potrà quindi sostenere l’esame solo chi darà il consenso all’utilizzo delle immagini e del materiale audio per scopi di ricerca.

More about Oral Japanese Assessment Europe (OJAE):

Now at Ca’ Foscari will be held a session of Oral Japanese Assessment Europe (OJAE), developed by the ’European Institute for Japanese Language Education e.V. (EIJLE), a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the European Association for Japanese Language Education ( The test will be held on November 28th, 2018, at San Basilio classrooms, organized by Ms. Kayato Sembokuya, Ms. Kyoko Kato, Ms. Aya Mariko and Dr. Marcella Mariotti, with the supervision of Dr. Yoriko Yamada-Bochynek and Michiko Takagi.

What is OJAE project aiming at?:

OJAE is aiming at an alignment with the CEFR of the speaking-test format in Japanese as Foreign Language.

Why is OJAE important?

OJAE can help learners to evaluate what they ‘can do’ or what they need to ‘practice more’  from a useful and meaningful point of reference which could be understood globally.

OJAE, as well as CEFR, is about ‘raising questions, not answering them’ (2001a:xi), encouraging to reflect on these questions and to provide relevant answers for their contexts and their learners.

“Good tests create good JFL classes!” is OJAE´s credo. In a globalised world such as ours, it is important for the Japanese learners/L2 speakers to be assessed through a scale which can be recognised globally. Conversely it is crucial for the JFL-instructors to become conscious about the various aspects of the oral communication - (1) range of vocabulary; (2) grammatical accuracy; (3) fluency; (4) interactive competence; (5)  coherence and cohesion in discourse; (6) phonological control - and develop his/her pedagogical concepts accordingly.

What will be OJAE results?

1) Six CEFR-levels in JFL will be assessed according to the calibrated and standardized level-descriptions.

2) The OJAE-tests will be shared within the JFL-World to  (based on the approval of the test takers´portrait rights)

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