
20 Nov 2019 12:15

OJAE (Oral Japanese Assessment Europe) a Venezia

Polo didattico San Basilio - Aula 1G


Anche quest'anno Ca’ Foscari partecipa al progetto di ricerca Oral Japanese Assessment Europe (OJAE), che mira a creare un metodo di verifica delle competenze orali in lingua giapponese.

OJAE è un progetto di ricerca dell’European Institute for Japanese Language Education e.V., che costituisce uno Special Interest Group della European Association for Japanese Language Education (

Se volete partecipare al progetto, potete sostenere l’esame orale e mettere alla prova il vostro giapponese: iscrivetevi al seguente URL entro il 12 Novembre 2019:

Numero massimo di partecipanti: 6
Livello che verrà testato: B2 CEFR, (pari circa al N2-N3 del JLPT)
Giorno, sede e orario: mercoledì 20 Novembre 2019 - San Basilio Aula 1G - ore 12:15-13:45
Durata effettiva di ciascun colloquio: min 20/max 30 minuti
Modalità: la commissione di esame formerà coppie di candidati a cui proporrà dei temi di dialogo. (maggiori informazioni qui)
Risultati: dopo circa 60 gg.
Referenti: dott.ssa Kayato Sembokuya, prof.ssa Marcella Mariotti
Per informazioni:

Tutti gli esami saranno videoregistrati e i contenuti saranno utilizzati solo a scopo di ricerca. Potrà quindi sostenere l’esame solo chi darà il consenso all’utilizzo delle immagini e del materiale audio per scopi di ricerca.

More about Oral Japanese Assessment Europe (OJAE):

Now at Ca’ Foscari will be held a session of Oral Japanese Assessment Europe (OJAE), developed by the ’European Institute for Japanese Language Education e.V.(EIJaLE), a Special Interest Group of the European Association for Japanese Language Education ( The test will be held on November 20th, 2019, at San Basilio classrooms, organized by Ms. Kayato Sembokuya and Prof.Dr. Marcella Mariotti, with the supervision of Prof.Dr. Yoriko Yamada-Bochynek.

What is OJAE project aiming at?:

OJAE is aiming at an alignment with the CEFR of the speaking-test format in Japanese as Foreign Language.

Why is OJAE important?

OJAE can help learners to evaluate what they ‘can do’ or what they need to ‘practice more’  from a useful and meaningful point of reference which could be understood globally.

OJAE, as well as CEFR, is about ‘raising questions, not answering them’ (2001a:xi), encouraging to reflect on these questions and to provide relevant answers for their contexts and their learners.

“Good tests create good JFL classes!” is OJAE´s credo. In a globalised world, it is important for the Japanese learners/L2 speakers to be assessed through a scale which can be recognised globally. Conversely it is crucial for the JFL-instructors to become conscious about the various aspects of the oral communication - (1) range of vocabulary; (2) grammatical accuracy; (3) fluency; (4) interactive competence; (5)  coherence and cohesion in discourse; (6) phonological control - and develop his/her pedagogical concepts accordingly.

What will be OJAE results?

1) Six CEFR-levels in JFL will be assessed according to the calibrated and standardized level-descriptions.

2) The OJAE-tests will be shared within the JFL-World (based on the approval of the test takers´portrait rights).




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FAQ 596 KB

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