
02 Dic 2022 14:45

Reconstructing tropical Atlantic climate of the last 130,000 years from carbonate proxy archives

Aula Delta 2B, Edificio DELTA - Campus Scientifico Via Torino

Prof. Amos Winter, Department of Earth and Environmental Systems Indiana State University (IN, USA)

Reconstructions of the past history of Earth’s climate allows us to describe natural climate variability and contribute to identifying its underlying forcing factors. Reconstructions also provide understanding of how climate variability influenced past human behavior and gives context to future climate projections. For this talk I will be discussing over 30 years of experience reconstructing the last 130,000 years of Earth’s climate from sclerosponges, speleothems and corals located in the Caribbean and MesoAmerica.   I will present the advantages and disadvantages of each archive and show salient results.

Bio Sketch:
Amos Winter is a professor at Indiana State University and currently visiting researcher at Ca' Foscari - DAIS. Previously he worked in the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, where he was commonwealth climatologist for over 10 years. He was also a Program Officer in the Marine Geology Division at the National Science Foundation. He has written over 75 peer-reviewed articles covering numerous topics including climate data analysis and Quaternary climate reconstruction using proxies from corals, sclerosponges, and speleothems.


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Davide Zanchettin

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