“La sfida globale della rivoluzione digitale: Stati Uniti e Cina tra competizione e cooperazione”

A new lecture by Prof. Ignazio Musu

On February 26th, BA students had the opportunity to meet Ignazio Musu, professor Emeritus at Ca' Foscari University.

Prof. Musu discussed with the class about the new global challenges of digital revolution that we have to face off and in particular his speech will be focused on the relationships between the two economic giants: China and the United States, which with their influences are changing the sector of future jobs and the prospects - global policies. 

Thanks to the digital revolution, an unprecedented exponential growth characterizes not only the power of computing and the ability to store information, but also the processes of using information to arrive at appropriate and meaningful generalizations. This technological leap, which allows machines to carry out a series of activities with a skill even higher than human, is able to question the world of work (not only the less qualified jobs, but also those qualified) and the global social reality.

The technological leap in the digital revolution was the result of research in the United States in the first place, but also in Canada and the United Kingdom. Now we have moved from an "age of discoveries" to an "age of implementation", of applying fundamental research results to real-world problems.

The transition from the age of discoveries to the age of implementation has strengthened China's opportunities in the field of digital revolution and artificial intelligence. The global weight of Chinese companies in the digital technologies and electronic artificial intelligence sector has increased and is now very evident.

The Chinese government's efforts to arouse nationalchallengers to global giants such as Apple, Samsung, Intel and Microsoft are beginning to succeed,and will have it even more in the near future.

A competition has opened up especially for companies in the US sector, which mainly concerns the presence in emerging markets: there is now a race for supremacy in digital technologies and artificial intelligence between the Chinese BAT group and the group of  the American FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google), even if the latter still prevail not only in terms of research results, but also in terms of value on the market.