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Train the Scientist!

Tuesday 1st October 2019

9.30-12.30 - Aula Magna Silvio Trentin, Ca' Dolfin

Panel discussion on science communication education

Keynote: Brian Trench, President, Public Communication of Science and Technology network (PCST)

Scientific organizations insist that researchers should get more involved in outreach activities. Scientists are aware that they contribute positively to society, but confronted with the need to devote time and resources to communicating their results. The public is at times eager to know more, at times showing untrust towards scientists. Communicators are there to help, but they are rarely invited to give training within the institutions.

Still, opportunities for scientists to get a train in communication techniques are increasing. Is this enough? Are courses, seminars, workshops proving to be effective in training scientists in communication? Are institutions really aiming to improve their staff's communication skills? Are there new opportunities rising for both scientists and communicators?

In this event a group of experts will share their views. 

The event, open to the public, is organized within the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice “Research Communication Week”, in collaboration with EUPRIO and the EU2020 QUEST project, and is endorsed by proESOF 2020 – Towards Trieste 2020 Euroscience Open Forum. 




9.00 Registration

"Train the Scientist!" Science communication training in Europe
Chair: Alessandra Fornetti, Coordinator, QUEST project

9.30: Welcome addresses

Michele Bugliesi, Rector, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Jan Dries, President, EUPRIO

9.50: Keynote talk

Trends and issues in science communication training
Brian Trench, President, PCST

10.20: Q&A

10.30 - 12.30 Panel discussion with

Gian-Andri Casutt, Head of Communications, ETH-RAT
Ana Godinho, Leader, Education, communications and outreach group, CERN
Francesco Fiondella, Director of communications, IRI, Earth Institute, Columbia University
Chiara Saviane, Lecturer, Master's course in Science Communication, SISSA
Rebecca Asher, Deputy Director, Sense about Science
Brian Trench, President, PCST




Afternoon sessions (register here)

13.45 Registration

14.00 Part 1: "Train the Scientist!" Good practices across Europe

15.15 Part 2: Co-designing a social media communication toolkit 

Only EUPRIO and AICUN members can participate for to the afternoon sessions: how to register