Short-term research fellowships

Open calls for applications and relevant modules for research fellowships candidates  can be found on this page.

To find test calendars where applicable, evaluation results and more useful information, please follow the page expired calls.

{% "controller": "TableBS5", "sql": "SELECT U.DESCRIZIONE_EN AS DIPARTIMENTO, TITOLO_EN, STATO, SCADENZA, TO_CHAR(SCADENZA, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS SCADENZA_TXT, DURATA || ' months' DURATA, TO_CHAR(DATA_BANDO, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS DATA_BANDO, EXPIRE_DATE, SCHEMA_DOMANDA_EN, COMMISSIONE_EN, VERBALI_EN, ESITI_EN, ALLEGATO_EN, ALLEGATO2_EN FROM BORSE_RICERCA B, UFFICI U WHERE B.DIPARTIMENTO = U.ID and U.ID='520040' and EXPIRE_DATE+1 >= sysdate and scadenza+1 >= sysdate ORDER BY SCADENZA", "colonne": { "DIPARTIMENTO": {"label":"Structure"}, "TITOLO_EN": {"label":"Title", "noescape": true} }, "pulsantedettagli": " Call", "dettagli": { "DIPARTIMENTO": {"label":"Structure"}, "TITOLO_EN": {"label":"Title"}, "SCADENZA_TXT": {"label":"Deadline"}, "DURATA": {"label":"Course duration"}, "DATA_BANDO": {"label":"Publication date"}, "SCHEMA_DOMANDA_EN": {"label":"Application form", "type":"file", "nome":"Application form"}, "COMMISSIONE_EN": {"label":"Commission", "type":"file", "nome":"Commission"}, "VERBALI_EN": {"label":"Minutes", "type":"file", "nome":"Minutes"}, "ESITI_EN": {"label":"Results", "type":"file", "nome":"Results"}, "ALLEGATO_EN": {"label":"Call", "type":"file", "nome":"Call"}, "ALLEGATO2_EN": {"label":"Other documents", "type":"file", "nome":"Other documents"} }, "filtri": { "globale": {"label": "Text search", "type": "global" } }, "vuoto": "

No active research fellowship

", "lang":"en" %} {% $content %}