
Barbara Vicentini
Chemical technician

Tell us about yourself and how you got here at Ca' Foscari, and in the department where you work.
In 1982 I graduated as an industrial chemist at I.T.I.S Pacinotti vocational school. After a brief period as a student at the University of Padua at the Department of Biology, I began to work on an annual contract basis for the Veneto Region, under the guidance of university professor F. Zilio Grandi, studying the composition of atmospheric precipitation, in what was then the Department of Industrial Chemistry. In 1989 I won a public competition as a technician at the Department of Chemistry (now the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems) of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where I still work.   

What do you do in your job at the department?
I work with the group of Professor S. Paganelli, active in the field of homogeneous catalysis (hydroformylation reactions of olefins for the synthesis of biologically active compounds: active ingredients of drugs, agrochemicals, fragrances). I am in charge of small equipment and help manage the chemical product ‘warehouse’. For several years now, I have been providing technical and scientific assistance at the teaching laboratories of the degree programmes in Sustainable Chemistry and Technologies, and in Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage.  I also help during the practical test for the State Examination to qualify as a chemist. I also work, along with other colleagues, for Civic Engagement by promoting science in the area (activities in schools) and by organising events.

What is one aspect of your job that gives you great satisfaction?
After more than 30 years in this Department, I find my job always interesting and varied. It is a dynamic job that is always evolving, always providing new knowledge, new tools, modern computer systems, and training courses, in order to keep up with the changes in society and the world. The thing that gives me the most satisfaction is the daily relationship with young people, who are always a source of enthusiasm and energy, and who are the main drivers of our future!

Last update: 28/08/2024