“All human beings are born entrepreneurs. Some get a chance to unleash that capacity. Some never got the chance, never knew that he or she has that capacity”
Muhammad Yunus
![]() | 15/03/2023 Prospettive di Social Business [ITA] Room 8A, Campus Economico di San Giobbe | 0.98 M |
Yunus Social Business Centre - Ca’ Foscari University of Venice is active since April 2020. Through activities of research and advising, it stands to spread Social Business principles and theories, according to Nobel Peace Prize Muhammad Yunus’ lessons. It is accredited by the Yunus Centre of Dhaka (Bangladesh) and it is part of a Global Network. It promotes a concept of social economy with the aim of combining economic and environmental sustainability with social purposes.
In order to better address the various challenges that the social business sector is facing, the Ca’ Foscari YSBC is composed of different units. Each unit is led by a scientific director, supported by the relative project managers.
Director of the Yunus Social Business Centre - Ca’ Foscari University of Venice: Stefano Campostrini - Full Professor

Social Innovation Unit
The aim of the Social Innovation Unit is to develop research in the fields of health and welfare, under an entrepreneurial perspective, aiming to maximize the social impact return combined with economic sustainability. In order to broaden the consciousness of social business, the Unit is involved in various projects supporting social enterprises and local authorities.
- Scientific director: Michele Marzulli - Researcher
- Project Manager: Giulio Minto - Research Grant Holder
- Junior Project Manager: Valeria Capelli - Research Grant Holder
Main Publications:
- Bilotti A., Marzulli M., Pavesi N. (2022), Innovazione sociale nelle esperienze del Welfare responsabile, in “Autonomia locali e servizi sociali”, 3, 2022, pp. 577-598; DOI: 10.1447/106179.
- Bilotti A., Marzulli M., Pavesi N. (2023), Accettare la sfida dell’innovazione. Una ricerca nazionale sulle esperienze di Welfare Responsabile, in Gui L. e Salvati A. (a cura di), "Il welfare di fronte alle sfide globali: sostenibilità, co-progettazione, innovazione", Franco Angeli, Milano
- Marzulli M., Pesenti L. (2021), The response of national healthcare to the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflections and proposals based on the case of Lombardy, Boschetti B., Vendramini E. (eds), FuturAP – Report on the Future and Innovation of Public Administration 2021, pp. 193-202."
Impact Unit
The Impact Unit was created to pursue projects with a high social impact aimed at investigating new business models, new strategies, new partnerships at the foundation of Social Business. The Impact Unit places its main focus on innovation and social business, with particular attention on how hybrid organizations can create social impact and economic sustainability. The Unit’s projects are linked by the common topics of innovation and social enterprise, Third sector and non-profit, with a particular focus on International Development Cooperation.
- Scientific director: Francesco Rullani - Full Professor
- Project Manager: Giacomo Buzzao - Research Grant Holder
Main Publications:
- Capo F.; Rullani F. (2022) Being for Profit, Non-profit, or Both? The Risk Advantage of Social Enterprises in the Face of Shocks, Issues in Business Ethics, Springer Science and Business Media B.V., vol. 62, pp. 187-214 (ISBN 978-3-030-96595-2; 978-3-030-96596-9) (ISSN 0925-6733)
- Luca Mongelli; Francesco Rullani; Tommaso Ramus; Tomislav Rimac (2019) The Bright Side of Hybridity. Exploring How Social Enterprises Manage and Leverage Their Hybrid Nature in JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, vol. 159, pp. 301-305 (ISSN 1573-0697)
- Francesco Rullani (2019) Internazionalizzazione e sostenibilità ambientale e sociale: un sentiero in divenire ricco di opportunità, L’Italia nell’economia internazionale, International Trade Agency (ICE) (ISBN 9788898597222)
- Mongelli, Luca; Versari, Pietro; Rullani, Francesco; Vaccaro, Antonino (2017) Made in Carcere: Integral Human Development in Extreme Conditions in JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, vol. 152, pp. 977-995 (ISSN 0167-4544) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717664
- Mongelli, Luca; Rullani, Francesco (2016) Inequality and marginalisation: social innovation, social entrepreneurship and business model innovation: The common thread of the DRUID Summer Conference 2015 in INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, vol. 24, pp. 446-467 (ISSN 1366-2716) DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717661
Voluntary contributions to social projects and NGOs Unit
Through scientific and institutional activities, the unit aims at investigating the main determinants of voluntary contributions to social projects as well as understanding the main time patterns of donations to (national and international) NGOs involved in environmental protection, human rights, social and economic justice. The unit follows a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, trying to make scientifically developed knowledge available to institutional actors, NGOs, and policy makers.
Scientific director: Luca Corazzini – Full Professor
Main Publications:
- Luca Corazzini; Christopher Cotton; Tommaso Reggiani (2020) Delegation and coordination with multiple threshold public goods: experimental evidence in EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS, vol. 23, pp. 1030-1068 (ISSN 1386-4157)
- Corazzini Luca; Cotton Christopher; Valbonesi Paola (2015) Donor coordination in project funding: Evidence from a threshold public goods experiment in JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, vol. 128, pp. 16-29 (ISSN 0047-2727)
Luca Corazzini; Marco Faravelli; Luca Stanca (2010) A Prize To Give For: An Experiment on Public Good Funding Mechanisms* in ECONOMIC JOURNAL, vol. 120, pp. 944-967 (ISSN 0013-0133)
- Bernasconi M.; Corazzini L; Kube S; Marechal M.A (2009) Two are better than one. Individuals' contribution to "unpacked" public goods. in ECONOMICS LETTERS, vol. 104, pp. 31-33 (ISSN 0165-1765)
Labour Unit
The Labour Unit aims at implementing projects and initiatives in the field of labour transformations, with a particular focus on welfare professionals, collaborative spaces and social investment policies. The Unit follows an approach based on participatory action-research working side-by-side with public agencies, social enterprises, Third Sector, benefit firms and other innovative organizations and stakeholders to investigate and foster initiatives aimed at strengthening the job and entrepreneurial opportunities for low-income individuals or those at risk of social and cultural exclusion.
- Scientific director: Maurizio Busacca - Researcher
- Junior Project Manager: Fiorenzo Polito - Research Grant Holder
Main publications:
- Elisa Matutini; Maurizio Busacca; Barbara Da Roit (2023) Ready, Steady, Go? Obstacles to the Spread of Eco-Social Work Approaches: An Italian Case Study in SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 15, pp. 1-17 (ISSN 2071-1050)
- Maurizio Busacca; Roberto Paldini (2022) Creativity and Social Capital: The Pillars of Venice’s Success in the New European Bauhaus Programme in SOCIAL SCIENCES, vol. 11, pp. 1-18 (ISSN 2076-0760)
- Maurizio Busacca (2022) Social investment e innovazione sociale: il welfare europeo di fronte a una svolta? in SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE, vol. 129, pp. 33-62 (ISSN 1121-1148)
- Costantino Romeo, Ignasi Capdevila, Barbara Da Roit, Maurizio Busacca (2023) Nuances of Working Together: The Influence of Managerial Approaches on Collaboration Within Coworking Spaces , The Coworking (R)evolution. Working and living in new territories, Edward Elgar Publishing5) Busacca, Maurizio (2022) Social Innovation, Welfare Regimes and National/Urban Agendas: Going Outside “the Local Trap” in Social Innovation Studies in Maurizio Busacca, Identifying Models of National Urban Agendas, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, vol. 1, pp. 333-355 (ISBN 978-3-031-08387-7; 978-3-031-08388-4)
Regenu Unit
The Unit was created to pursue projects with an action-research approach aiming at investigating new business models, and new strategies able to support the regenerative economy and nature-based solutions, centring ecological, financial, and human resources. We do this through promoting entrepreneurial activities to foster greater collaboration between university, business, government and civil society.
- Scientific director: Cinzia Colapinto - Associate Professor
Main publications:
- Coco, N., Colapinto, C. (2023) Conducting Action Research to Address Social Innovation , Sage Research Methods: Business, SAGE Publications, Ltd, vol. 2023
- Colapinto, C., Finotto, V., Pavan, D., Pranovi, F. (2022) Redefining and Reframing a City in Pedro Andrade,Moisés de Lemos Martins, Handbook of Research on Urban Tourism, Viral Society, and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, IGI, pp. 265-282.
- Colapinto, C., Jayaraman, R., La Torre, D. (2020), A goal programming model to study the impact of R&D expenditures on sustainability-related criteria: the case of Kazakhstan, Management Decision, Vol. 58 No. 11, pp. 2497-2512
- Colapinto C., Jayaraman R., Ben Abdelaziz, F., La Torre, D. (2020), Environmental sustainability and multifaceted development: multi-criteria decision models with applications, Annals Of Operations Research, vol. 293, pp. 405-432
Healthcare Unit
The healthcare unit deals with aspects related to the sustainability of the healthcare system. This sector is relevant both in terms of size and objective, i.e., guaranteeing health as a fundamental human right.
In particular, the unit deals with issues related to equity in access to care, ethics, the impacts linked to the use of new technologies, and new organizational models that can increase the quality of clinical outcomes and patients' access to the system. The unit also deals with the dynamics linked to the environmental sustainability of the healthcare ecosystem, with particular reference to resource management, procurement, and organizational models that can make the use of resources more efficient, effective, and responsible.
- Scientific director: Francesca Dal Mas - Senior Lecturer
Main publications:
- Martellucci, J., Dal Mas, F. (Ed.) (2023) Towards the Future of Surgery, Springer, Cham, Series Title New Paradigms in Healthcare, pp. 1-274, doi: doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-47623-5
- Dal Mas, F., Massaro, M., Rippa, P. and Secundo, G. (2023) The challenges of digital transformation in healthcare: An interdisciplinary literature review, framework, and future research agenda, Technovation, Vol. 123, p. 102716, doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2023.102716
- Cobianchi, L., Dal Mas, F., Abu Hilal, M., et al. (2024) Toward a new paradigm of care: a surgical leaders’ Delphi consensus on the organizational factors of the new pancreas units (E-AHPBA PUECOF study). Updates in Surgery, forthcoming, doi: doi.org/10.1007/s13304-024-01839-x
- Dal Mas, F.; Cobianchi, L.; Piccolo, D.; et al. (2024) Are we ready for "green surgery" to promote environmental sustainability in the operating room? Results from the WSES STAR investigation, World Journal of Emergency Surgery, Vol 19, article no. 5, doi: doi.org/10.1186/s13017-024-00533-y
- Bidoli, C., Pegoraro, V., Dal Mas, F., et al. (2023), Virtual hospitals: The future of the healthcare system? An expert consensus, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, pp. 1–13, doi: doi.org/10.1177/1357633X231173006
- Cobianchi, L., Dal Mas, F., Angelos, P. (2021) One size does not fit all – Translating knowledge to bridge the gaps to diversity and inclusion of surgical teams, Annals of Surgery, Vol. 273, n.2, pp. e34-e36. doi: https://doi.org/10.1097/SLA.0000000000004604
In order to pursue its values, the Ca’ Foscari YSBC develops relevant contacts and partnerships with different stakeholders such as Third sector, NGOs, private enterprises, public institutions, as well as local authorities. The affiliate stakeholders operate both at international and local level contributing to create social impact and economic sustainability.
The mission of the Ca’ Foscari YSBC is the one of supporting, under different perspectives, its partners to reach innovative and challenging solutions.