Advanced Courses

You can find here below the FAQs to clarify your doubts; should you not be satisfied after reading them carefully, please open a ticket through the link at the bottom of the page.

You can read the Regulation at this link: Carriere Minor e Advanced Course (ITA)


Which steps do I need to take to enrol in an Advanced Course?

When the registration procedure will be open, you will find the enrolment link via Esse3 at the bottom of each Advanced Course web page. Please, follow the procedure, insert the information required, and wait for the Enrolment Unit to conclude your enrolment.

What is the enrolment duration?

The enrolment lasts one year. It is mandatory to attend the courses in the same year.

How much does an Advanced Course cost?

  • Advanced Courses are free of charge for all Ca’ Foscari postgraduate and Phd students. Further enrolments will be subject to payment.
  • Postgraduate students who are attending another University, Academy or Conservatory are entitled to a reduced contribution, i.e., the Advanced Course’s fee is 336 euro (320 euro + 16 duty stamp). Please, read the following FAQs carefully for more detailed information on the reduced contribution.
  • External users who are not attending any postgraduate degrees at Ca’ Foscari nor in other Universities can also attend our Advanced Courses. The Minor fee is 496 euro (480 euro + 16 euro duty stamp).

I am currently enrolled at another University. What should I do to have access to a reduced contribution?

After completing the registration procedure in the Advanced Course, do not proceed with the payment. Please, contact the Enrolment Unit through the web portal You will be contacted and given information on how to get the reduced contribution.

I am an undergraduate student: can I enrol in an Advanced Course?

No, you cannot: a bachelor’s degree is required.

Are Advanced Courses free of charge for Ca’ Foscari students who are about to graduate?

Yes, they are. If students are up to date with their payments, i.e., the tuition fee for the current academic year has been paid, Advanced Courses can be taken for free.

Can I attend two Advanced Courses during the same academic year?

Yes, you can. The first Advanced Course is free of charge for all postgraduate students. In order to enrol to further Advanced Courses, you will have to pay the enrolment fee.

It is possible to attend more than one Advanced Course. It is however very important to make sure that the first enrolment procedure is completed, before continuing with a second one.

I just enrolled in an Advanced Course and in my personal area I can see only the Advanced Course career, while the Master’s Degree career has disappeared. What should I do?

Nothing: it is a display error that resolves automatically in 24 hours.

Is it possible to withdraw?

Yes, it is. To withdraw from a Advanced Course you must fill the withdrawal form attaching the receipt of the online payment of the duty stamp (16 euros). If you are a Ca’ Foscari student, please notice that following the withdrawal, further Advance Course will not be free of charge

What should I do to withdraw?

In order to request an Advanced Course withdrawal, please send an official request through this page.


Can I get ECTS recognition?

Yes, you can include the Advanced Course activity in your Master's degree study plan.

Can I include an Advanced Course single module into my study plan?

No, you cannot. You must enrol to the entire Advance Course: you cannot choose single modules.

When do Advanced Courses start?

Advanced Courses are scheduled according to the Ca' Foscari academic calendar. Some Advanced Courses are held during the summer period (June/July). Generally, Advanced courses can either follow terms or semesters, depending on the Department that delivers the course.
For more detailed information, please refer to the webpage of the Advanced Course you are interested in.

Is attendance mandatory or is there a minimum percentage of attendance?

Attendance is mandatory only if the Advanced Course you have chosen has limited access. In this case, the details with respect to percentage of absence allowed are clarified in the call for admission.

For Advanced Courses that do not have a limited access attendance is strongly recommended.

How many hours of classes does one course include?

Each Advanced Course includes 30 hours of classes.


How many exam sessions are there for each Advanced Course?

There are four exam sessions for each Advanced Course. You will not be allowed to complete the Advanced Course the following year.

When can I take the Advanced Course exams?

Advanced Course exams regularly follow the academic calendar and can be taken over terms or semesters, depending on the Department that delivers the Advanced Course. The first exam session for Advanced Courses that are held over the summer period is usually late July.

If I enrol as a graduating student, can I complete the Advanced Course even after the graduation?

Yes, you can proceed with your degree application and conclude the Advanced Course after the graduation.


What certificates will I receive once I conclude an Advanced Course? What should I do?

You can download certificates of the exams you have taken as well as a certificate of the Advanced Course you have concluded from your Personal Area (Advanced Course) > “Certificates, Modules and Questionnaires”.
If you complete the Advanced Course, you will also receive an Open Badge.

What is an Open Badge?

An Open Badge is a digital certificate that attests the knowledge, abilities and skills that you have developed attending a Minor programme. It is internationally recognised and can be included in your digital curriculum, as well as on Social Network profiles. Please, read more information about Ca’ Foscari Open Badges.

What should I do to get my Open Badge?

You will be eligible to receive an Open Badge only if you complete the Advanced Course (two/three exams). In this case, you will automatically receive an e-mail with your personal Open Badge within the year in which you concluded your Advanced Course.

You have not found the answer to your question, or you need further information?
Submit a support request specifying the category of your problem and including a short description.

Last update: 21/05/2024