PhD Degrees

Plagiarism of thesis and final paper repository

Aftef receiving confirmation of admission to the discussion, you will upload the digital version of your thesis in the appropriate Reserved Area.

The paper will then undergo anti-plagiarism assessment in order to identify any potential illegitimate use of sources drawn from the Internet.

Plagiarism self-check of thesis

You may verify your thesis draft at any time for suspect materials, sourcing materials and to help you correctly reference material in your bibliography. Plagiarism assessment is free of charge for up to four “analysis credits”, corresponding to approximately 40 pages.

To access the service, follow the instruction in your Personal Area. Please remember that if you access the service directly from the web site the free analysis credits offered by the University are not available.

Uploading the final version

Your paper is to be uploaded in your Reserved Area > Student Services – Esse 3 > Degree > Upload Thesis and verify Supervisor’s consent > Upload.
The file must be in PDF/A format and should not be over 10 Mbyte. If the size of the PDF is greater than 10Mbyte, you can use the PDF compression software [ITA] made available by the University.
If, even after compressing the pdf, the file exceeds the permitted size, you will need to upload a text-only version of the document and send it to the email address and to ( in cc) the complete version. You can follow the same procedure even if your thesis contains attachments that cannot be converted into PDF (for example video), still uploading the textual part.

After uploading, remember to check and possibly update all the data relating to the final exam question, in particular: thesis title, thesis abstract, thesis language, teaching activity, keywords, thesis consultation.
The upload can be made several times within the opening period. Failure to upload the thesis in the indicated period will result in exclusion from the PhD discussion.

The final thesis can also be written in a foreign language subject to authorization by the Teaching Board.

Plagiarism assessment

At the end of the upload period, the University will check all the documents using the software. The results of the check will be visible in the Student Reserved Area - ESSE3 > Final exam > Thesis upload and supervisor / supervisor acceptance.
If a significant percentage of similarities with other sources is found, the supervisor will evaluate whether to approve the thesis or, if he deems changes necessary, he will be able to grant the doctoral student 14 days to make them.

Upload to university archive

Once your thesis has been assessed, it will be automatically uploaded to the University Archive [ITA] and made freely available.
Once your thesis has been uploaded electronically you are under no legal obligation to deposit a print copy at the Central National Libraries.
Electronic thesis deposit falls within the Institutional Open Archive Project.

In June 2005, Ca' Foscari University adhered to the Berlin Declaration for Open Access to intellectual research productions which provides for the creation of open access archives (Open Access), which constitute a significant support for the dissemination of knowledge among academic institutions.

Furthermore, following the entry into force of the Regulation containing rules on the legal deposit of documents of cultural interest intended for public use (Presidential Decree No. 252 of May 3, 2006 published in the Official Gazette No. 191 of August 18, 2006), in particular referring to the envisaged "methods for filing and acquiring documents disseminated via computer network" (art. 37 c. 1 of the aforementioned Regulation) and to facilitate access to theses the Open Access group of the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI ) has developed a system to facilitate and homogenize the procedures for depositing doctoral theses at the central national libraries of Rome and Florence in electronic format, rather than paper. The ministerial circular 1746 of 20 July 2007 actually recognized the validity of the CRUI procedure also from an administrative point of view, authorizing the submission of theses in electronic format.

Thus began the experimentation of a procedure for the legal deposit of doctoral theses by connecting the National Central Library of Florence to the open access institutional archives of Italian universities.
Ca' Foscari University, aware of the importance of doctoral theses whose intellectual richness is normally not widespread and little known, has therefore set up the Institutional Archive with open access [ITA], a digital 'space' for their deposit and their consultation, by entering the legal deposit procedure electronically.