
An online article about the SIGN-HUB project

The special feature on ‘Celebrating Linguistic Diversity’ of the Research*eu magazine includes an interesting article on the SIGN-HUB project. 

The full online version of the article can be found here. 

A Documentary by SIGN HUB

"We Were There ...We Are Here"

Seven Countries, Many Stories

A Documentary on the life stories of Deaf elderly signers by the SIGN-HUB project has been released soon. All the films were shot by deaf film crews and the interviews conducted by deaf interviewers.

This project is the result of a collaboration among seven countries: France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Turkey, Spain (Catalonia), The Netherlands.

See here for the trailer:

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The final version of the SignGram Blueprint is out!

The SignGram Blueprint is a guide to sign language grammar writing resulting from the COST Action IS1006 Unraveling the Grammars of European Sign Languages: Pathways to Full Citizenship of Deaf Signers and to the Protection of their Linguistic Heritage.

What is the SignGram Blueprint and why is it an innovative tool?

  • it provides background information and guidelines to develop the grammar of sign languages
  • it describes all components of the grammars of sign languages: Phonology, Morphology, Lexicon, Syntax, and Meaning
  • it features a checklist of grammatical phenomena, definitions, representative examples, visuals, tests, bibliographical references, hyperlinks and a pop-up glossary
  • it is open access and can be found at the following link:

The grammars we have created within SIGN-HUB (for Catalan, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Turkish Sign Languages and the Sign Language of the Netherlands) are based on the guidelines of the SignGram Blueprint. Our work has greatly benefited from this tool, which provides a common structure and background information and hence enhances comparability among the resulting grammars.

The Second volume of the journal FEAST is out!

You can find the second volume of the journal FEAST Proceedings of the Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory conference at the following link:


Coordination and Management

Sign Language Grammars

Atlas of Sign Language Structures

Sign Language Assessment

Linguistic and Cultural Heritage

Digital Infrastructures



Scientific publications

  • Demirel, B. E., B. Saral, S. S. Taşçı, E. Tamyürek Özparlak, A. Göksel & H. Dikyuva. Forthcoming. Sağır hayatlar: Dil, Eğitim, İletişim (Deaf Lives: Language, Education, Communication) in Fatma Büyükkarcı Yılmaz and Gönül Alpay Tekin (eds.), A Festschrift for Zehra Toska. Journal of Turkish Studies.
  • Göksel, A., S. S. Taşçı, B. E. Demirel, E. Tamyürek Özparlak, B. Saral & H. Dikyuva. Forthcoming. Deafness in Turkey 1930–2018: Administrative, social, and cultural aspects.
  • Kayabaşı, D., H. Sevgi & A. S. Özsoy. 2020. Null arguments in Turkish Sign Language. In A. Gürer, D. Uygun-Gökmen & B. Öztürk (eds.), Morphological complexity within and across boundaries: In honour of Aslı Göksel, Studies in Language Companion Series 215, 386-418. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
  • Kelepir, M. 2020. Content interrogatives – theoretical and experimental perspectives. In J. Quer, R. Pfau, A. Herrmann (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Theoretical and Experimental Sign Language Research. London: Routledge.
  • Saral, B. & M. Kelepir. 2020. The Universal Quantifier ‘All’ in Turkish Sign Language. In A. Gürer, D. Uygun-Gökmen & B. Öztürk (eds.), Morphological complexity within and across boundaries: In honour of Aslı Göksel, Studies in Language Companion Series 215, 354-383. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. 
  • Barberà, G., P. Cedillo, S. Frigola, C. Gelpí, J. Quer & J. Sánchez Amat. 2019. Sign languages as resilient endangered languages. In M. Barrieras & C. Ferrerós (eds.), Transmissions. Estudis sobre la transmissió lingüística, 79-100. Vic: EUMO. link
  • Herrmann A., S. Proske & E. Volk. 2019. Question-Answer Pairs in Sign Languages. In: E. Onea, M. Zimmermann & K. von Heusinger (eds.), Questions in Discourse. Leiden: Brill, 96-131. link
  • Klomp, U. 2019. Conditional clauses in Sign Language of the Netherlands: A corpus-based study. Sign Language Studies, 19(3), 309-347. link
    • Mantovan, L., B. Giustolisi & F. Panzeri. 2019. Signing something while meaning its opposite: The expression of irony in Italian Sign Language (LIS). Journal of Pragmatics, 142, 47-61. link
    • Quer, J. & M. Steinbach. 2019. Handling Sign Language Data: The Impact of Modality. Frontiers in Psychology. 10:483. link
    • Quer, J. 2019. Delimiting reported discourse: cross-modal criteria. Linguistic Typology 23.2: 221-228. link
    • Quer, J. 2019. Reduplication revisited: verbal plurality and exhaustivity in the visual-gestural modality. Sensos-e VI (1). [doi: 10.34630/sensos-e.v6i1.3459]
    • Ribera-Llonc, E., M. T. Espinal & J. Quer. 2019, The noun-verb distinction in Catalan Sign Language An exo-skeletal approach. Sign Language & Linguistics 22(1). 1 - 43. link
    • Couvee, S. & R. Pfau. 2018. Structure and grammaticalization of serial verb constructions in Sign Language of the Netherlands – A corpus-based study. Frontiers in Psychology 9: 993. [doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00993] link
    • Gökgöz, K. 2018. Syllables in TİD. Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 29(1), 29-49. pdf
    • Kimmelman, V., U. Klomp & M. Oomen. 2018. Where methods meet: Combining corpus data and elicitation in sign language research. Proceedings of 8th Workshop on the representation and processing of Sign Languages: Involving the linguistic community, 95–100. Paris: ELRA. pdf
    • Kimmelman, V. & H. Koulidobrova (eds.). 2018. FEAST. Proceedings of the Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory Conference Reykjavik, June 21-22, 2017). Vol. 1. link
    • Kimmelman, V. & H. Koulidobrova (eds.). 2018. FEAST. Proceedings of the Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory Conference Reykjavik, June 21-22, 2017). Vol. 2. link
    • Taşçı, S. S. & A. Göksel (2018). Native compounds in TİD: A classification based on headedness. Journal of Linguistics Research [Dilbilim Araştırmaları], Vol.29, Issue 1, 1-28. [doi: 10.18492/dad.378853] pdf
    • Pfau, R., M. Salzmann & M. Steinbach. 2018. Sign Language Agreement. Common Ingredients but Unusual Recipe. In: Glossa: A journal of general linguistics, 3(1), 107. [] link
    • Oomen, M., R. Pfau & E. O. Aboh. 2018. High and low negation in Sign Language of the Netherlands. Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory 1, 39-47. [doi: 10.2436/20.8050.03.4] link
    • Makharoblidze, T. & R. Pfau. 2018. A negation-tense interaction in Georgian Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics 21(1), 136-151. link
    • Fornasiero, E. 2018. A preliminary description of evaluative morphology in LIS. FEAST. Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory [online], Vol. 2 , p. 16-31. link
    • Klomp, U. 2018. Starting to make sense: Further developing a nonsense sign repetition task. FEAST 2: 103-115. [] link
    • Barberà, G, P. Cabredo Hofherr & J. Quer. 2018. Agent-backgrounding in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Sign Language & Linguistics 21.2: 335-349. link
    • Sánchez Amat, J. & J. Quer. 2018. El desenvolupament de les llengües de signes. In Aparici Aznar, M., & Igualada, A. (eds.), El desenvolupament del llenguatge i de la comunicació, 221-237. Barcelona: FUOC.
    • Quer, J. 2018. Les llengues de signes, fetes visibles. Llengua, Societat i Comunicació, 16: 1-5. link
    • Quer, J. 2018. On categorizing types of role shift in sign languages. Theoretical Linguistics 44.3-4. 277-282. link
    • Kelepir, M., A. Özkul & E. Tamyürek Özparlak. 2018. Agent-backgrounding in Turkish Sign Language (TİD). Sign Language and Linguistics 21.2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. 258-284. [doi:]
    • Oomen, M. & R. Pfau. 2017. Signing NOT (or not): A typological perspective on standard negation in Sign Language of the Netherlands. Linguistic Typology 21(1): 1-51. [doi:] link
    • Mantovan, L. & A. Checchetto. 2017. Colmare le distanze: strategie traduttive per giovani segnanti emergenti. In: F. Calzolaio, E. Petrocchi, M. Valisano & A. Zubani (eds.), In limine. Esplorazioni attorno all'idea di confine, 253-275. Venezia: Edizioni Ca' Foscari. pdf
    • Mantovan, L. & C. Geraci. 2017. The syntax of nominal modification in Italian Sign Language (LIS). Sign Language & Linguistics 20(2), 183-220. link
    • Cecchetto, C., B. Giustolisi, L. Mantovan (2016). Short-Term Memory and Sign Languages. Sign Span and its Linguistic Implications. Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Univerdade do Porto 11, 59-89. pdf

    Other publications

    • Branchini, C. June 7th, 2018. La lingua dei segni sarà un patrimonio da scoprire. Il Corriere della Sera (Italian national newspaper). link
    • Cecchetto, C.. June 27th, 2018. Le lingue dei segni scrigno culturale contro il silenzio. La Provincia. (Article on the 2018 SIGN-HUB summer school in the local press). link
    • Hosemann, J. November 14th, 2018. FoLL konkret. BLUG online blog by the Goettingen. link
    • Quer, J. March 2018. Joint Agenda proposal for the new European Research and Innovation framework Programme by a network of H2020 Projects. With CoHERE, COURAGE, PLUGGY, REACH, TRACES, UNREST. Joint policy brief. 
      • Quer, J. 2018. Interview on linguistic variation with Josep Quer. Isogloss, 4.1. 147-150. link

    • Sánchez Amat, J. & J. Quer. 2018. El desenvolupament de les llengües de signes. In M. Aparici Aznar, N. Esteve-Gibert, C. Andrés-Roqueta, A. Igualada, J. Quer & J. Sánchez Amat, El desenvolupament del llenguatge i de la comunicació (p. 221-237). Barcelona: FUOC.
    • Sánchez Amat, J. and J. Quer. 2018. El desarrollo de las lenguas de signos. In M. Aparici Aznar, N. Esteve-Gibert, C. Andrés-Roqueta, A. Igualada, J. Quer & J. Sánchez Amat, El desarrollo del lenguaje y de la comunicación (p. 225-241). Barcelona: FUOC. 
    • Brinkmann, S, J. M. Cramer, A. Herrmann, J. Hosemann, N. K. Pendzich, S. Proske & M. Steinbach 2017. Unser gemeinsames Erbe: Eine Dokumentation kultureller und sprachlicher Aspekte der Gebärdensprachgemeinschaft. Sign-Hub – ein europäisches Projekt. In: Das Zeichen 106, 302-309. link
    • Universitat Pompeu Fabra. 2017. Talk to me with your hands, listen to me with your eyes. Institutional Communication and Promotion Unit. 360 UPF, 1. link
    • Zorzi, G. 2017. SIGN-HUB: il progetto per la tutela e la promozione delle lingue dei segni in Europa published on the online blog of VEASYT. link