
12 Lug 2016 18:00

Mostra "The Ghetto as Global Metaphor"

CFZ - Cultural Flow Zone, Zattere al Pontelungo, Dorsoduro 1392, Venezia

From July 12
Exhibition of photographs on the Baltimore and Chicago Ghettoes by Devin Allen and Ovie Carter

In the occasion of the International Symposium "The Ghetto as Global Metaphor"
12 July 2016 Università Ca’Foscari Venezia
Ca’Dolfin - Aula Magna Silvio Trentin Dorsoduro 3825/e - Venezia


L'evento si terrà in italiano


Princeton University - Ca’ Foscari University of Venice - 500 years of Ghetto committee


Locandina con programma 2887 KB

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