Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0376 (AF:297759 AR:160950)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
3rd Term
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The course belongs to "attività caratterizzanti" of the curriculum of Sciences of the literary text and communication of the BA in Humanities and to "attività affini e integrative" to the curriculum of Science of Antiquity of the same BA and aims to provide students with the first methodological tools in the field of literary analysis and basic knowledge of the general lines of Italian literature from the late nineteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century.

The objectives of the course are to develop the ability to reflect on the literary text, recognising its formal, structural, composition and reception problems; to dvelop the ability to apply the theoretical-methodological tools to basic concrete cases of literary analysis.
1. Knowledge and understanding
- A basic understanding of contemporary texts of poetry and narrative;
- Ability to recognize the various textual typologies and literary and metric genres;
- Knowledge of the historical-literary development of Italian literature from the early twentieth century to the present day.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding:
- Ability to apply a specific vocabulary in analyzing literary text;
- Ability to understand the relationship between formal choices and thematic issues;
3. Making judgements
- Ability to comment critically texts and their interpretation.
4. Communication
- The student is able to transfer his reflection capacity with appropriate terminology.
5. Learning skills
- The student is able to consult the references in the syllabus and make simple bibliographical researches.
- The student is able to consult materials on moodle platform.
Only a good knowledge of the Italian language.
Italian literature in XXth century.

List of the subjects in detail:

- Decadentism and Symbolism. Giovanni Pascoli, Gabriele d'Annunzio and XXth century literature .
- "La Voce". Futurism. The "crepuscolari": Guido Gozzano. Corrado Govoni; Aldo Palazzeschi; Dino Campana; Camillo Sbarbaro; Clemente Rebora.
- Luigi Pirandello, Federigo Tozzi, Italo Svevo.
- Umberto Saba; Giuseppe Ungaretti; Eugenio Montale; Salvatore Quasimodo and ermetism; Mario Luzi; Sandro Penna.
- "La Ronda", "Solaria", "Novecento"; Moravia, Vittorini, Pavese.
- Carlo Emilio Gadda.
- Neorealism. Beppe Fenoglio.
- Pier Paolo Pasolini and <Officina>.
- Italo Calvino.

Students who do not attend lessons must read also a novel by one of the authors in the list.
A good literature handbook: SEGRE, MARTIGNONI, "Leggere il mondo. Letteratura, testi, culture", Milano, Bruno Mondadori; GIBELLINI, BELPONER, CINQUEGRANI, "Vivo, scrivo", Brescia, La Scuola, vol. 3; LUPERINI, CATALDI, MARCHIANI, "La scrittura e l'interpretazione", Palermo, Palumbo; FERRONI, "Storia e testi della letteratura italiana", Mondadori Universita; GUGLIELMINO, GROSSER, "Il sistema letterario", Milano, Principato; BALDI, GIUSSO, RAZETTI, ZACCARIA, "Dal testo alla storia. Dalla storia al testo", Torino, Paravia; SANTAGATA, CAROTTI, CASADEI, TAVONI, "Il filo rosso. Antologia e storia della letteratura italiana ed europea", Bari, Laterza; G. FENOCCHIO (ed.), "La letteratura italiana. Il Novecento", Milano, Bruno Mondadori.
If a student prefers to use a different handbook, he must ask the teacher.

Students must study also one of the following poetry books:
G. UNGARETTI, "Il Porto sepolto", a cura di C. Ossola, Marsilio; E. MONTALE, "Ossi di seppia", a cura di P. Cataldi, F. d'Amely , Oscar Mondadori; U. SABA, "Il canzoniere", introd. N. Palmieri, Einaudi.
The exam will consist in a written test with four open questions:
- 1 question will require synthetic answer, dealing about two of the authors of the program;
- 1 question will deal about a more aspect of Italian contemporary literature (such as novel in the forties, poets in XXth century, ...);
- 1 question will propose a text to analyse;
- 1 question will be about the poetry book selected by the student.

The student is requested to answer to every question.
Frontal lessons, materials on line.
Students who will not be attending classes must read also a novel by one of the authors in the list.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 02/07/2018