Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0078 (AF:316979 AR:170460)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
It is a characterizing teaching for the Master’s Degree Ancient Civilisations: Literature, History and Archaeology, for the archaeological curriculum; it aims to furnish to students methodological tools to investigate cultural and socio-economic development in Italia before of Roman domination.
It will be analyzed relationships with etrusco-italic, Mediterranean and European cultures; we pay attention to the chronological items and to material culture.
Our main focus is to improove ability to make chronological references for archaeological evidence of etruscan art and civilisation.
1. Knowledge and understanding
- To know basic archaeological and technical terminology
- To Know development of settlements and cities in Venetic area
- To Know main theoretical models to analize urban societies
- To know main features of local material culture
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- To be able to employ archaeological and technical terminology
- To be able to apply theoretical models for the development of Venetic culture and landscape
- To be able to analyze to analyze settlements and cities
- To be able to analyze examples of material culture and artistic finds
3. Judgment skills
- To be able to judge and argue hypothesis about venetic contexts
4. Communication skills
- To be able to tell new finds or results of the research with a plain and technical terminology
- To be able to compare themselves with colleagues and tutor, even on.line
5. Learning ability
- To be able to take notes and to share them with colleagues, even on line
- To be able to consult bibliographic references even with a critical point of view
Etruscology and Italic Archaeology I , at least one course (6 CFU). Students have to know quite well Italian and European geography and geomorphology.
The course aims to develop the knowledge and interpretation of the figurative narrative cycles that distinguish Etruscan art and ancient Italy as forms of social development. The different methods of image analysis will be addressed in order to understand the possible different interpretations, with particular reference to chronological and socio-cultural development. Some case studies related to Etruria, the Po Valley and the Italic world will be illustrated in detail for a comparative analysis.
M. Torelli, L'arte degli Etruschi, Milano 1988.
M. Menichetti, Archeologia del potere, Longanesi, 1994
L. Cerchiai, Achille e Troilo in Etruria: alcune ipotesi su due cippi chiusini, in Dialocghi di Archeologia VIII, 2, 1990, p. 61 ss. oppure: L. Cerchiai, La "machaira" di Achille, alcune osservazioni a proposito della 'Tomba dei Tori' , in AION II, 1980, p. 25 ss.
ZAGHETTO L. 2002, Dalla “Parola” alle “Frasi”: unità semplici e unità strutturate nel linguaggio delle immagini. Il caso dell’arte delle situle, in Colpo I. et Al. (a cura di), Iconografia 2001. Studi sull’immagine, Atti del Convegno (Padova 2001), Roma, pp. 31-43
L. Zaghetto, La situla Benvenuti. Il poema figurato degli antichi Veneti, (con un contributo di S. Buson), Ante Quem, Bologna, 2017, pp. 318.

for a deeper knowledge: DI FILIPPO BALESTRAZZI E. 2004, Cerimonialità socio-politica e formazione della città nel Veneto preromano: Padova, Este ed altri luoghi. Continuità e discontinuità tra protostoria e romanizzazione, in AUGUSTA-BOULAROT S., LAFON X. (edd.), Des Ibères aux Vénètes, Rome 2004, pp. 379-407; or : ZACCARIA RUGGIU A. 2004, Il banchetto omerico e gli stili dell’aristocrazia. L’esempio delle situle, in Studi di Archeologia in onore di Gustavo Traversari, Roma 2004, pp. 963-993, or : CUPITÒ M. 2016, La situla Benvenuti 126. Un symbol in action dell’ideologia aristocratica atestina, in BONETTO J. et Al. (a cura di), I mille volti del passato. Scritti in onore di Francesca Ghedini, Roma, pp.105-122
For non attending students two of the previous papers above for further studies
The test is oral; the student have to show a good knowledge of the main subjects and that they are able to explain the topics in a formally correct language, making use also of proper archaeological terminology. The students are expected to recognise the main monuments and images treated or traceable in images drawn from the bibliography and their chronological and cultural framework.
Face to face lessons
Lectures and exercises
On.line papers for specific topics.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 07/04/2019