Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0562 (AF:397243 AR:213224)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course in Remediation Technologies of Contaminated Sites , aims to define and investigate issues related to the remediation of contaminated soils and water , providing the necessary tools to assess a remediation process both from a regulatory and technical point of view. From the regulatory point of view , the course includes an introduction to the regulatory structure that governs the remediation, with particular attention to the annexes to Title V of Part IV of the Environment Code (152/2006) relating to the general criteria for the risk analysis, the general criteria for the characterization of a contaminated site and the general criteria for the selection and execution of a remediation technology . Available technologies , their applicability and efficiency are discussed and supported by case studies and analyzed considering aspects of hydrogeology , the type of contaminants and their degradation mechanisms in soil and water matrices .
At the end of the course the student will acquire specific knowledge on the bureaucratic procedures related to the remediation of a site and will be able to technically evaluate the state of remediation. Thanks to the acquisition of methods for the application of the most widespread and emerging techniques, the student will then be able to evaluate the feasibility of the technic and to propose the most suitable techniques for reducing contamination and impact on the environment and population.
It is required a general knowledge of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Hydrogeology fundamentals.
The course will specifically address the following contents::

state of site remediation in Europe and Italy, introduction to Italian laws, fundamentals of hydrogeology, type of contaminants, characterization of a contaminated site, sampling strategies, general introduction on biological methods for the recovery of water and soil, phytoremediation, bioventing, biopiles, composting, land farming, biosparging, natural attenuation; general introduction on the chemical-physical technologies available for the recovery of contaminated soils and waters; technologies of safety measures of a contaminated site: a description of physical barriers; hydraulic barriers, remediation techniques: permeable reactive barriers, ventilation of the soil, immobilization technology,soil washing, thermal treatments, oxidative processes, electrokinetic decontamination, water treatment (from Pump and treat systems); case studies.
Bonifica di Siti Contaminati. A cura di Luca Bonomo. Edizioni Mc Graw-Hill,2005
Ingegneria degli Acquiferi, Antonio Di Molfetta e Rajandrea Sethi, UNITEXT Collana di Ingegneria
Tecnologie di Bonifica dei siti contaminati, Brugnoli, Uricchio, Massarelli, Zurlini, Cacucci Editore.
Didactic meterial provided by the professor
Notes about the exam. The written exam is divided into two parts: the first consists of 15 multiple choice questions that are intended to verify the preparation of the student about the most important aspects related to the general and specific aspects of remediation technologies . The second part of the exam consists of 2 open-ended questions that require a detailed description of the topic and 1 exercise. The exam duration is 2 hours .
The course characterized mainly by lectures, a Seminar and one technical tour in Porto Marghera Contaminated Site

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Natural capital and environmental quality" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 15/03/2023