B2-MAG Master's Degree 
Language requirements

Students who enrolled between the fall of 2015 and the fall of 2017 have until the end of their programme of study to provide certification of their knowledge of English at the required level.

Meeting your Language Requirements

After enrolment, you can choose from the following options (applies to some degree programmes only):

  • Take the fee-paying Level B2 English test at the CLA centre;
  • Attend classroom courses (subject to availability of places) held during the normal CLA calendar; these courses are free of charge the first time around and subsequently fee-paying (fees laid down by CLA); at the end of the course you will take a test to check your proficiency (equivalent to Level B2);
  • Obtain certification from an officially recognised certifying body or a certificate from the CLA centre or from a university language school on the list in the Recognised Certification section.

In order to obtain the recognition of your language certification(s), send an request for assistance that includes copies of the certificate(s) as attachments by choosing from the menu:

  • Enrolment and registration/*choose your course* if you obtained the certification(s) before enrolling and if you did not include it among the documentation you provided during the pre-enrolment phase;
  • Student and graduate Careers/Exams if you obtained your certificate(s) after enrolment.

If you obtain your certification via the University Language Centre (CLA), your records will automatically be updated to reflect this.

Last update: 08/05/2024