
20 Oct 2017 14:30

Complex-city:urban dynamics as underappreciated territorial intelligence for ensuring sustainability

Aula 1, Campus economico San Giobbe

Prof. Denise Pumain
University Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne

Biosketch: Denise Pumain is a geographer, Professor at University Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne. Her main scientific contribution is about building an evolutionary theory of urban systems and transferring concepts and models from self-organising complex systems towards social sciences. Founder of the research laboratory P.A.R.I.S. (1984), Director of the UMR Géographie-cités (CNRS 1992-2000), Chair of the Commission on Urban Geography of the International Geographical Union (1992-2000); Chief executive of education and research for the Académie de Grenoble (2000-200). Director, the European Research Group S4 (Spatial Simulation for Social Sciences, 2006-2013), founder Cybergeo, European Journal of Geography (1996-), Principal Investigator of the ERC advanced grant GeoDiverCity (2011-2016). Last publications: Hierarchy in natural and social sciences, Springer, 2006 and Complexity perspectives on innovation and social change, Springer, 2009, Urban Dynamics and simulation models, Springer, 2017.


The event will be held in Italian

Organized by

Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Science of Complexity


Locandina 2795 KB
Abstract 119 KB

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