
12 Feb 2020 17:00

Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities

Malcanton Marcorà, 3° piano, sala Milone

Relatrice: Francesca Tomasi (Università di Bologna- Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre)
Running the Digital Humanities ecosystem

In these last years, the term Digital Humanities has become a really fuzzy word. Universities, Research Centers, Companies are devoting a lot of effort to this “emerging” (and money belt) field. Actually, with such a long history, this discipline(s) is(are) building a wide ecosystem, made of projects, initiatives, skills, competences and scientific results. Research and Education in the humanities are changing along this challenging and unavoidable transformation of knowledge. This seminar wants to introduce two recent activities carried out inside the University of Bologna: the Digital Humanities Advanced Research Center (DH.ARC) and the Master degree in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK). Together with the Italian association of humanities computing (Associazione per l’informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale, AIUCD), the idea is to provide a brick to contribute the setting up of this complex ecosystem. And make it run.


The event will be held in Italian

Organized by

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici; VeDPH


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