
30 Nov 2020 17:00

Euporia and Textual Criticism

on-line (Zoom)

EUPORIA 2021. Webinar series in Theories and Practices of the Annotation through Domain-Specific Languages

Euporia and Textual Criticism: Domain–Specific Languages for Encoding and Annotating Critical Apparatus

Speaker: Luigi Bambaci

Abstract: Encoding critical apparatus is a difficult and time-consuming task. The adoption of a markup language such as XML-TEI represents the best solution as far as interchange and interoperability are concerned, but it seriously hinders the scholar with few or no expertise in text encoding and computer programming. The use of Domain-Specific languages (DSL) represents a viable alternative in this respect. In this contribution we are going to illustrate two different DSLs for two case studies: the digitization of a XVIII century collation of Hebrew witnesses of the biblical book of Qohelet and a sample native digital edition of the same book. With the first we demonstrate how traditional, well-written apparatus can be automatically processed with no need of manual intervention and without loss of information. With the second we discuss how to exploit the nature of formal language of critical apparatus in order to automatically encode long lists of variant readings and conjectural emendations and how such a language can be customized by the user in order to fit the research purposes of a native digital project.

Link for subscription:

Organizers: Federico Boschetti (CoPHILAB, CHR-ILC, VeDPH) and Andrea Taddei (LAMA - University of Pisa)


The event will be held in English

Organized by

VeDPH; Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici; ILC-CNR; CLARIN; CLARIN-IT; LAMA; University of Pisa



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