
15 Mar 2021 17:00

Euporia and Textual Criticism

EUPORIA 2021. Webinar series in Theories and Practices of the Annotation through Domain-Specific Languages

Euporia 2021 is a series of webinars about methods and tools to create digital resources from the perspective of the domain experts in the Humanities (philologists, epigraphists, literary scholars, linguists, etc.).

Digital humanists promotes best practices that in most cases are challenging for traditional scholars. XML-TEI is a standard de facto, but verbosity and peculiarities of the TEI guidelines may create a barrier between the two communities. Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) can help in this direction, because they allow the scholars to encode relevant information in a familiar way, and at the same time they are machine actionable and easily translatable in XML-TEI. Euporia 2021 aims at sharing ideas and experiences to bridge the gap between traditional scholars and digital humanists, especially through the creation and use of DSLs.

Webinars, targeted to MA students in Digital Humanities, PhD students and scholars in (Digital) Humanities  are organized by CoPhiLab (CNR-ILC), LAMA (UniPi), VeDPH (DSU, Ca’ Foscari), CLARIN-IT and will take place from November 2020 to March 2021. Selected papers inspired by the webinars will be published in early Spring 2022.

Organizers: Federico Boschetti (CoPHILAB, CHR-ILC, VeDPH) and Andrea Taddei (LAMA - University of Pisa)


Organized by

VeDPH; Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici; ILC-CNR; CLARIN; CLARIN-IT; LAMA; University of Pisa



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