
06 Apr 2022 15:00

'Venice Submerged Screens and Survival of the City' with Ifor Duncan


A member of the NICHE community, Dr Ifor Duncan is leading the online roundtable seminar 'Venice Submerged Screens and Survival of the City'  as part of a project called Amphibious Screens organised by Professor Joanne Garde-Hansen and others at the University of Warwick.
The project is a transnational network of online seminars intending to develop, plan, build and sustain a collaborative partnership of researchers, cultural and environmental sector managers and screen industry professionals on the subject of sustainable screen production in water-based locations. Four culturally and historically significant locations with precarious water histories have been selected.
The four seminars will explore the impact of repeated screen productions and the rapid growth of creative industries on water ecosystems through a focus on Hollywood’s pollution of water in South Florida, USA; the exploitation of ice landscapes in Reykjavik, Iceland; the ‘Poldark effect ‘in Cornwall, UK; and the submergence, on and off screen, of Venice, Italy. The project will address the legacy of screen production that informs cultural perceptions of the environment alongside the sustainability of screen heritage industries and the creativity of filmmakers.

Reserving an online place for the event is possible here:



The event will be held in English

Organized by

University of Warwick


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