
12 Oct 2022 10:00

Talanoa Forum Day 2: Swimming Against the Tide

Aula Baratto, Ca' Foscari, Dorsoduro 3246

TALANOA FORUM: Swimming Against the Tide - Day 2,  Venice 12 October 2022

Aula Baratto, Ca' Foscari, Dorsoduro 3246 (MAP)

The event will be livestreamed on NICHE's YouTube channel (LINK)

Participants in person, please fill in the registration form


10.00 – 11.30am

  • Art and Ethnography - Yuki Kihara (NZ Pavilion) and Cristina Baldacci (Ca ‘Foscari) in conversation, followed by Q&A 
  • The talanoa between Yuki Kihara and Cristina Baldacci considers how Kihara’s Paradise Camp brings together art and ethnography through the process of ‘upcycling’ to imagine a ‘Fa’afafine utopia’. How can colonial imagery, ethnographic objects and depictions be creatively challenged and reactivated to tell new stories? Conventions of archiving tend to centralise intellectual resources, and make them fixed and authoritative. Another kind of archiving can generate open repositories that grow organically and unpredictably. In these initiatives, histories are re-enacted and revised through strategies of dispersal, play, translation, migration, fermentation, contestation and disintegration.

11.45am – 1.00pm

  • Roundtable: Art and Ethnography. With: X Zhu-Nowell (Solomon R Guggenheim Foundation), Franca Tamisari (Ca ‘Foscari), Natalie King (NZ Pavilion/University of Melbourne) , moderated by Susanne Franco (Ca' Foscari). 
  • This session invites speakers to have a round table talanoa using the conversation between Yuki Kihara and Cristina Baldacci as a prompt to explore how art and material culture can contribute to the decolonization of both art and ethnographic museums. What methodologies can be deployed to destabilize the binary where ethnographic institutions are often perceived as being ‘historical’ whereas art institutions are considered ‘contemporary’? How can we imagine a museological practice that is inclusive and respectful of the past while caring for artists and objects? How can material culture have agency and can knowledge of the past be propagated without being institutionalised?

For speakers' bio, full info and complete list of supporters, please visit


Visit to Peggy Guggenheim Foundation's Oceanic collections. With Wonu Veys (National Museum of World Cultures). On invitation only


The event will be held in English

Organized by

NICHE, New Zealand Pavillion at the Venice Biennale

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