
15 Mar 2023 17:30

New Books in Environmental Humanities | Laura Ogden, Perdita e meraviglia alla fine del mondo

Ca' Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911 Venice - Main Hall 1° floor

15 March, 2023, 5.30 PM
Ca' Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911 Venice - Main Hall 1° floor

Laura A. Ogden presents Perdita e meraviglia alla fine del mondo (add, 2023) in conversation with Valentina Bonifacio

Laura A. Ogden is an associate professor of Anthropology at Dartmouth College in New Hempshire. She works on the politics of change and environmental conservation. Her research on Tierra del Fuego explores the ways in which introduced species are reconstructing landscapes, narratives of landscapes, and the ethics of living and dying in a changing world.

This lecture is part of the NEW BOOKS in Environmental Humanities series, and is organised in collaboration with the Master's Degree in Environmental Humanitiesa at Ca' Foscari University.


The event will be held in Italian

Organized by

NICHE, Master's Degree in Environmental Humanities


Poster 601 KB

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