
10 Nov 2023 10:00

Adaptation and the Fairy Tale: Alice Before and After

Ca’ Bernardo, Aula B

The international conference "Adaptation and the Fairy Tale: Alice Before and After" will feature some of the most distinguished scholars in the fields of children’s literature and fairy-tale studies. The theme of the conference is the adaptation of "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" (1865) in its various forms and directions: towards "Alice", for which Carroll’s novel can be interpreted as a fantasy reworking of the previous Victorian fairy-tale tradition; and from "Alice" onwards, which deals with adaptations of the novel in various fields related to psychiatry, translation, the city of Oxford, advertising, thing theory, and immersive reality. In the context of the adaptation of the fairy tale there is thus a 'before' and an 'after' "Alice": a novel that not only subverted the genre of the fairy tale – and, consequently, the canon of children’s literature – in the nineteenth century, but which has also exerted a strong influence on disparate areas of knowledge and of popular culture through its adaptations.


The event will be held in English

Organized by

Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati


Locandina 3232 KB
Programma 864 KB

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