
05 Dec 2023 15:30

The Philosophical Struture of Historical Explanation

Aula Biral, 4° piano, Palazzo Malcanton Marcorà

Book symposium
Does historiography produce knowledge that is on par with scientific knowledge?
Roth argues that the narrative nature of historical theories is an epistemic aspect of scientific inquiry in general. The challenge in this book is then to produce an account of the epistemic function of narratives in historiography that is in congruence with both the practice of historical research and a broader epistemic account of scientific knowledge.

Paul Roth - author, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of California, Santa Cruz, and visiting professor DFBC, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Roberto Gronda - Università degli Studi di Pisa, Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere
Luca Guzzardi - Università Statale di Milano, Dipartimento di Filosofia

Eleonora Montuschi - DFBC, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia


The event will be held in English

Organized by

Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali


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