
13 Gen 2020 10:00

Tokyo and Venice as Cities on Water. Past Memories and Future Perspectives

Aula Baratto - Ca' Foscari, Dorsoduro 3246 - 30123 Venezia

International Conference
13-14 January 2020


Full program in attachment


This conference is made possible through the generous support of The Toshiba International Foundation-TIFO.

Under the auspices of the Japanese Consulate General in Milan, The Japan Cultural Institute in Rome and the Italian Association for Japanese Studies-AISTUGIA


L'evento si terrà in italiano


Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati, Dipartimento di Economia in collaborazione con Hosei University Research Center for Edo-Tokyo Studies (EToS)


Programma 889 KB

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