
30 Set 2022 12:15

Miloš Fišar - Riding the Cycle: Ovulatory-Shift Hypothesis and Incentivized Decision‐Making

Meeting Room 1, Campus Economico San Giobbe + Live streaming (ZOOM)

Presenter: Miloš Fišar ((Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Title: Riding the Cycle: Ovulatory-Shift Hypothesis and Incentivized Decision‐Making

Abstract: Employing an incentivized controlled lab experiment, we investigate the ovulatory shift hypothesis on salient behavioral outcomes related to i) risk preferences, ii) rule violation and iii) exploratory attitude. All these outcomes play a crucial role in economic decision-making and identify behavioral aspects that may systematically vary over the menstrual cycle to increase the reproductive odds, as suggested by evolutionary psychology. Exploiting a within-subject design, 124 naturally cycling females participated in experimental sessions during their ovulation and menstruation phases - the phases between which the difference in behavior should be the largest. In each session, hormonal samples for cortisol, estradiol, and testosterone were collected to validate the status of the subjects. The group of women is also contrasted against a control group composed of 47 males that are not subject to hormonal variations of such nature. Our results reveal no systematic behavioral differences between the ovulation and menstruation phases and thus question the validity of the ovulatory-shift hypothesis.

The seminar can be attended also remotely, connecting to ZOOM:šFišar_internalseminar
Meeting ID: 852 2442 7947


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Dipartimento di Economia (InSeminars)


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