
09 Apr 2021 17:00

A Multimodal Corpus Approach to Spoken Academic Chinese [...]

Online conference

Lecture series on Chinese Linguistics: focus on syntax

Hongyin TAO (University of California, Los Angeles)

A Multimodal Corpus Approach to Spoken Academic Chinese: Implications for Genre Analysis and Language Pedagogy

Registration link:  LINK ZOOM 
This lecture is public and open to all, but registration is required. 

The lecture series on Chinese Linguistics offers lectures given by prominent international scholars on research topics in the field of Chinese languages and linguistics. The events are organised within the Department of Asian and North African studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, and within the @LTANA group (Linguistics and language Teaching, Asia and North Africa) with the aim of creating interest and promoting the academic exchange in the area of Chinese linguistics. The next series focuses on Chinese syntax: each talk tackles topics and issues from different angles, and includes corpus-based, diachronic, cognitive, contrastive approaches to Chinese syntax.

Organizers: Bianca BASCIANOAnna MORBIATOGiorgio Francesco ARCODIA

For information please contact or


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Department of Asian and North African Studies (Bianca Basciano, Anna Morbiato, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia), @LTANA - Linguistics and language Teaching, Asia and North Africa


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