Associate Professor
041 234 9546
Scientific sector (SSD)
Lingua e letteratura del Giappone, lingua e letteratura della Corea [ASIA-01/G]
Website (personal record)
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Where: Palazzo Vendramin

Office hours

In the second semester of the 2024-2025 academic year, the office hours are Wednesday at 2.00 p.m. Please send an e-mail to the teacher to book an appointment.


Published on 06/02/2025

Si informa che è stato pubblicato il bando per una borsa di studio offerta dall’Università Keio per l’a.a. 2025/2026 a studenti di magistrale e di dottorato in base all’accordo fra l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo e l’Università Keio.

La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è fissata per il 4 aprile 2025 (23:59, ora giapponese).

Per maggiori dettagli, si prega di consultare i link sottostanti.

Leggi il bando

Published on 12/01/2025

Between March 3 and March 17, 2025, Kyushu University's International Master's Program (IMAP) and International Doctorate (IDOC) in Japanese Humanities will accept applications for its MA and PhD degree programs starting in October 2025. 

The faculty offers specializations in Japanese history, literature, religion, and art and architectural history. The focus is on Japan before the Meiji period, but the program also consider thesis proposals in the modern or contemporary era as long as there is a demonstrable connection to the premodern tradition. The University offers a rigorous curriculum with close supervision (currently the program has a ratio of 5 professors to 25 students). The university also conduct regular regional excursions in the Kyushu region and a mandatory fieldwork week for first-year MA students.

Although all classes are taught in English, the programs are fully embedded in the Graduate School of Humanities (人文科学府) and have excellent working relationships with the Japanese colleagues. Applicants have to possess Japanese proficiency (equivalent to at least JLPT N3 for MA, and N2 for PhD).

A second application round (for admission in April 2026) will be held September 1-16, 2025. Shorter sojourns as research students (研究生) are also possible. Interested students should contact the relevant faculty member.

For more on the department and Kyushu University, see

For more information on the application process, see

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