la tua ricerca!


Archivio / workshop

Communicating your science

Wednesday 2nd October 2019

10.00 -13.00 - Ca' Foscari Challenge School, Vega 

with Francesco Fiondella, Director of Communications, IRI Earth Institute, Columbia University

In collaboration with Cmcc@Ca'Foscari. Registrations from August 26th.

You as scientists are increasingly expected to be effective communicators of your research and of your field in general. Whether you are engaging other scientists (inside and outside of your discipline), funders and potential donors, policy makers or the general public, the theory and best practices of good communication are similar.

This workshop will focus on two areas of communication: ways to think about your research and write about it for nontechnical audiences; and how to design effective, engaging posters.

Over the course of the workshop we will run through a few writing and thinking exercises to put some of these ideas into practice, and hold a poster session ‘critique’ for those of you who have made or are making posters for upcoming conferences.

This workshop is organised in collaboration with Cmcc@Ca'Foscari.

Professors, researchers, post-docs and PhD students can sign up here.


Part 1 - Intro and Best Practices - I will introduce who I am, my experience, etc. Then I will go into a presentation on best practices for thinking about one’s research and writing about it in an engaging way.

Part 2 - a series of exercises that will help students see the challenges of focusing on key messages and writing short, effective prose. 

Part 3 - Make your posters SHOUT. This will be a 20-25 minute presentations on best practices for poster design.

Part 4 - Poster critique - as a group we will review our posters and suggest where we can improve. I hope this would last about 30 minutes.


Reach us by the public transport

From Venice, P.le Roma: bus 2; 4; 6; 7 etc. bus stop Venezia-Porto Marghera railway station, continue in the pedestrian underpass.

From the Mestre railway station: bus 2, bus stop VEGA.

From Mestre: any line with Venice direction. Get the bus timetables: www.actv.it

Reach us by car

The adress of this seat is Via delle Industrie 19 – Marghera. You can park in the area called "Park Lybra", in the blue spaces. 
The Parking Fee is €1/h and €5/day.

The yellow spaces' cost is €5/h and €20/day.

People with disabilities can benefit from the free parking, prior communication in advance.