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Photography, science and the future of air-conditioning

Friday 16 June 2023

13.00-14.00, Zoom

Enrica De Cian, Gaia Squarci, Rica Cerbarano, Antonella Mazzone



How does a photographic and scientific project start? Who is needed to turn it into reality? What steps lead from the complex data of a research project to a photographic exhibition, opening the door to a broader audience in a meaningful and impactful way?

The authors behind The Cooling Solution share their experiences in designing a visual arts project that combines scientific findings with personal stories, whilst trying to raise awareness about the health consequences of rising temperatures, the growing need for space cooling solutions, and the pitfalls of accepting air conditioning as the only effective heat reduction strategy.

In an interactive dialogue enriched with visual elements, the authors reveal how the results of the academic project ENERGYA - “Energy use for Adaptation”, funded by the prestigious EU ERC Grant - can impact society through the collaboration with different arts and science outreach professionals.

The event is a joint initiative of CMCC Foundation - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. It is part of the CMCC webinar series "Foresight Dialogues" and of the Ca’ Foscari Research Communication Week 2023. Through the "Foresight Dialogues", organized in the context of the CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra”, writers, artists, journalists, scientists, innovators and entrepreneurs discuss the role of communication, in its various forms, in accelerating the climate transition. The Ca’ Foscari Research Communication Week 2023 is a week of workshops dedicated to learning, discussing and exploring communication and public engagement tools.




Enrica De Cian, Professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, research scientist at Fondazione CMCC

Gaia Squarci, documentary photographer 

Rica Cerbarano, Project manager of Kublaiklan

Antonella Mazzone, Leverhulme Research Fellow, University of Bristol and Honorary Research Associate at the Future of Cooling Programme at University of Oxford

Moderated by Mauro Buonocore, Fondazione CMCC 


Watch the webinar: