Semester courses in English
The School for International Education offers courses on Italian history and culture in English that are specifically designed for exchange students at Ca' Foscari University. Each course awards 6 CFU/ECTS that students can add to their Learning Agreement.
Eligible students
- Erasmus+, Overseas and other interuniversity exchange students
- Double and Joint Degree students
- Students regularly enrolled at Ca' Foscari, provided that they are authorised by the Collegio didattico (Teaching committee) of their degree programme
Registration for these courses is mandatory (see instructions below). Students cannot attend classes or take exams if they are not officially enrolled in the course.
N.B. Each course requires a minimum number of students in order to be activated.
I semester 2024/2025 a.y.
Course list
For the first semester of the 2024/2025 academic year, students can apply for the following courses:
[SIE008] History of Venice
The aim of the course is to explore the history of Venice and the Venetian state in a perspective that links institutional, social and economic aspects from the Middle Ages to the end of the Republic, with a special focus on the long Renaissance period (14th-16th centuries).
[SIE025] History of Design of Glass in Venice
Venetian glass art is mentioned in documents since the 10th century but it probably goes back to Roman times. The course explores the history of Venetian art glass from its origin to the 19th century, focusing on the Renaissance period. It will also discuss the production in Renaissance style of the 19th century revival and the important role of old models in the early decades of the 20th century, when contemporary production started.
[SIE031] History of Italian Culture and Literature – From the Beginning to the Renaissance
This course provides an overview of Italian culture in the past up until the Renaissance through the study of authors and works of literature and art, focusing on the role of Venice wherever it is relevant.
[SIE065] Venetian Art and Archaeology – 1: From the Origins of Venice to the Biennale
The course explores the development and the spread of the arts in Venice from the origins of the city to the fall of the Serenissima. Starting from the analysis of the peculiar geo-morphological conditions of the city of Venice, the course will consider major works of Venetian art in their historical and cultural context, from the high Middle Ages to the 19th century.
[SIE089] Anthropology of the Contemporary Global World
The course aims to offer students an anthropological perspective to the contemporary world and some dynamics that characterize it, such global interconnections, mobility, acceleration and new inequalities. Questioning the equation between globalization and cultural homogenization, the course critically discusses the relationships between global and local, and the ways in which global flows of culture, goods and people redefine place, belongings and imagination.
The complete syllabi are made available on each course's webpage before the beginning of classes. Students can access the syllabi of the courses offered in previous years by searching for the title or the course code through the University's Course search.
Students can apply for the first semester of the 2024/2025 a.y. by following the instructions outlined below.
International exchange students
International exchange students need to fill out the online Application Form that they have received by e-mail from the office that manages their mobility programme (Incoming Mobility or Joint/Double Degree).
- Application Form deadline: August 6, 2024
- N.B. Applications Forms submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
- Registration will be limited to a maximum number of students per class. Priority will be given in order of having filled out the Application Form. Applicants not added to the class will be placed on a waitlist, and will be added to the course if a place becomes available.
In early September, students will be informed via email by the SIE ( whether the courses they have applied for have been activated and their registration can be confirmed. Once course activation is confirmed, all registered students will automatically receive all necessary information about the course before classes start.
International exchange students are not officially enrolled in a course if it is not in their Learning Agreement! Therefore, within the first two weeks of classes, you must contact the office that manages your mobility programme ( or in order to add the course to your Learning Agreement, if not already present.
Students regularly enrolled in a bachelor's or master's degree programme at Ca' Foscari
Students enrolled in a degree programme at Ca' Foscari need to fill out the online Application Form that they can request by sending an e-mail to
- Application Form deadline: August 6, 2024
- N.B. Applications Forms submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
- Registration will be limited to a maximum number of students per class. Priority will be given in order of having filled out the Application Form. Applicants not added to the class will be placed on a waitlist, and will be added to the course if a place becomes available.
If students want the courses selected on the Application Form to be added to the Study Plan as elective or surplus credits, they must ask the Collegio didattico (Teaching committee) of their degree programme for approval. The School for International Education ( must then receive an e-mail from the coordinatore del Collegio didattico (Teaching committee coordinator / Head of studies).
In early September, students will be informed via email by the SIE ( whether the courses they have applied for have been activated and their registration can be confirmed. Once course activation is confirmed, all registered students will automatically receive all necessary information about the course before classes start.
Students are not officially enrolled in a course if it is not in their Study Plan! Therefore, within the first two weeks of classes you must add the course to your Study Plan, if not already present. If you need assistance, please contact your Campus.
Courses will start on October 7th, 2024 and will be held twice a week for a total of 30 academic hours.
N.B. Cancelled lessons may either be rescheduled on Saturdays or moved to the following weeks, thus the final date of each course cannot be confirmed in advance.
Please note that the schedule will be available not before September.
Attendance for the English-taught courses for exchange students at SIE is generally not mandatory. However, teachers may ask all students to attend a minimum number of lessons and/or assign some additional bibliography to non-attending students. It is therefore necessary to check attendance requirements for each course by contacting the teacher within the first week of classes.
Exams will take place approximately from December 2nd and no later than December 20th, 2024.
N.B. Students are strongly advised to plan their departure from Venice following the end of the exam session in case some exams need to be rescheduled.
There is only one exam session. It is not possible to repeat the exam at a later date.
In order to be admitted to the final exams, students must be officially enrolled in the course and meet the attendance requirements which are set by each teacher (see above).
II semester a.y. 2024/2025
Courses to be offered in the second semester of the 2024/2025 a.y. and instructions on how to apply will be available approximately in December.
Last update: 06/09/2024