Orders and editorial guidelines

KASKAL - A Journal of History, Environments, and Cultures of the Ancient Near East

Guidelines for contributors

Manuscripts for publication are to be (e-)mailed to:
Prof. Lucio Milano, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Dorsoduro 3484 D, 30123 Venezia (Italy)


Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editorial Committee in printed or electronic version (as an E-Mail attachment). Manuscripts should be double-spaced with margins of at least 2.5 cm on all edges of page.
Files should preferably be Windows®TM compatible, and elaborated in Word for Windows®TM; if possible, MAC®TM files should be converted to Windows®TM.
As for the font to be used, it will be provided to the authors upon request (all special characters are available).

Citations of books and articles

All bibliographical citations in text and footnotes should consist of the author's last name, year of publication and relevant pages, sections, figures etc. (e.g., Milano 1990, 33-48); please give exact page references, not "ff." or "f.".
Full citations should appear only in the final Bibliography section.


List of all works cited in the article, in alphabetical order by last name of first author followed by date and title.



Monographs: Watanabe C.E. 2001, Animal Symbolism in Mesopotamia. A Contextual Approach (Wiener Offene Orientalistik 1), Wien.
Collective works, miscellanea, etc.: Lebeau M. - Suleiman A. (eds.) 2003, Tell Beydar, the 1995 to 1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report (Subartu 10), Turnhout.


Published in journals: please always supply full journal title: Holland T.A. 1975, "An Inscribed Weight from Tell Sweyhat, Syria", Iraq 37, 75-77;
Published in collective works, miscellanea, proceedings, etc: Ascalone E. - Peyronel L. 1999, "The Eblaite Metrology in the Middle Bronze Age. Archaeological Context and Distributive Analysis of Weights", in L. Milano - S. de Martino - F.M. Fales - G.B. Lanfranchi (eds.), Landscapes. Territories, Frontiers and Horizons in the An­cient Near East (= XLIV RAI) (HANE/M 3/2), Padova, 115-138.


Camera-ready line drawings, plans and diagrams of professional quality. Photographs should be glossy black-and-white prints (colour photographs are not accepted); scanned versions on Adobe Acrobat®TM.pdf files are welcome. Line drawings, plans, diagrams and photographs should be numbered consecutively as figures and marked on reverse with author's name and indication of top. Use of figures: A list of figures with appropriate captions, legends and credits should be provided on a separate page at the end of the text.

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All over 2021 the Scientific Board and the Publisher offer to those who buy KASKAL vol. no. 17 (2020) or any other recent volume back to KASKAL vol. no. 11 (2014), the possibility to have one or more volumes from no. 5 (2008) to no. 10 (2013) at 75% discount on the cover price. 

The entire collection from vol. 1 to vol. 17 is offered at € 622,50 (instead of € 1.245,00). 

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If you want to submit a standing order to Kaskal or buy individual issues of the journal, please send an email to  logisma@tin.it.

Individual issues of Kaskal are also available through www.amazon.com or through the following Italian websites:

Publisher and Distributor
LoGisma editore
via Zufolana 4, I-50039 Vicchio - Firenze

Press Service Srl
Via Curzio Malaparte 23, I-50145 Firenze
ISBN 978-88-97530-27-5
ISSN 1971-8608