Research evaluation

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Scientific research assumes significant importance in Ca' Foscari's overall strategy and is one of the elements with the highest impact on the university performance and quality assessment exercises carried out periodically by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes).

The quality of the research conducted at Ca' Foscari is also the subject of internal evaluation processes, consistent with government standards and related to resources' allocation.

Research Quality Assessment (VQR)

The VQR is the Research Quality Assessment procedure conducted by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research) which evaluates the quality of scientific research products of State and non-State universities, of public research bodies supervised by MIUR and other public and private entities that apply for participation.

The evaluation of the research products of the reference period of the call is carried out among peers, organized into Evaluation Expert Groups (GEV) appointed by ANVUR and according to scientific area, which in turn may refer to the judgement of independent experts. The evaluation is based on criteria of originality, methodological rigour and impact - certified or potential - on the scientific community of reference. Furthermore, for the products of the scientific areas in which certified and relevant citation data are available, the GEVs may use bibliometric tools.

The VQR results are used for the allocation of the reward quota of the Ordinary Financing Fund (FFO), which, as established by Italian Law 98/2013, increased year by year, up to the actual maximum of 30% of the whole FFO distribution.

The last evaluation exercise, VQR 2015-2019, concluded in June 2022. On October 31, 2023, ANVUR published the Call for VQR 2020-2024.

Departmental Allocations for Research (ADiR)

The Departmental Allocations for Research (ADiR) are a form of evaluation of the quality of the University's research and of funding, that foresees that each department can allocate annually to its researchers individual funding for research. The evaluation considers all publications of the previous three years and registered in the ARCA University Catalogue.

In line with the procedure adopted by ANVUR for VQR, the assessments are performed, depending on the nature of the individual product, using bibliometric or non-bibliometric methods, according to criteria that meet the characteristics of the different research areas.

Annual monitoring of research and civic engagement activities

The monitoring of departmental research and civic engagement activities is a self-assessment exercise that requires each Department to prepare an annual report on the activities of its lecturers according to a University format.

The reports submitted by the Departments are submitted to the Rector, the Quality Assurance Unit and the Evaluation Unit. The Evaluation Unit assesses the monitoring reports; upon completion of the process, the monitoring documents and the Evaluation Unit's opinion are brought to the attention of the Academic Senate.

Research evaluation support tools

Ca' Foscari has promoted the adoption and development of a series of tools to support the evaluation of University research, used both for the internal monitoring of the progress of scientific production, and to simulate the performance of individual researchers and departmental facilities in reference to the main evaluation models adopted by ANVUR and in comparison with the national and international context of reference.

These tools use the scientific production data available through internal databases, in particular the ARCA University Catalogue, and the bibliometric information accessible by subscription to the Elsevier-Scopus and Clarivate-Web of Science platforms. Furthermore, the ANVUR assessment parameters are continuously monitored and updated, in particular the lists of "scientific" and "Band A" journals, the ASN thresholds and the VQR assesment model.

By accessing the dedicated page, detailed information is available on the two main support tools used by the University: the ARCA Catalogue and the Scival platform.

Last update: 22/10/2024