
Lorena Gobbo
Chemical technician

What do you do in your job at the department?
My work in the department and in the group of Professor Ligia Maria Moretto is to support students, PhD students, research fellows and to contribute to the research lines in analytical chemistry applied to cultural heritage and instrumental chemistry. I am also in charge of small and medium-sized equipment. I have also been providing technical assistance for a few years to the teaching laboratories of the degree programmes of which Professor Moretto is a member, and to the Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage degree programme. I also participate with other co-workers in Civic Engagement activities, the aim of which is to promote science in local schools. 

What is one aspect of your job that gives you great satisfaction?
One of the aspects that continues to satisfy me after so many years of service is certainly the opportunity to learn new things all the time, also thanks to the relationships established with other colleagues.

Tell us about yourself and how you got here at Ca' Foscari, and in the department where you work.
I graduated in 1987 as a chemical-biological technician from the I.P.S.I.A. "E. Mattei" and about two years after graduating I was hired by this University at the Department of Environmental Sciences, through a public competition. In 2011 I moved to the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems where I still work.

Last update: 28/08/2024