Partners and networks

An international network of opportunities

At Venice School of Management, we constantly develop and cultivate partnerships with organisations and institutions arounds the world, to provide international study opportunities to students, collaborate on research projects, and share our knowledge and expertise.

Choosing Venice School of Management means joining an international network full of opportunities.

Our network

University and institution partners

Institution of visiting professors

  • Financial Management Association (FMA) - University of Tampa
  • IMT Atlantique
  • Essex Business School - University of Essex
  • Royal Holloway - University of London
  • School of Management - University of Bath
  • Cranfield School of Management 
  • University of London 
  • Universidad Carlos III
  • Birmingham University
  • Kogod School of Business - American University
  • School of Business and Law - University of Agder 
  • University of Brasilia
  • Aoyama Gakuin University
  • Université libre de Bruxelles 
  • Université du Québec

Full list of Visiting professors/scholars [ITA]

University partners

  • University of Warwick
  • Rotterdam School of Management 
  • SKEMA Business School
  • Université de Bordeaux
  • Universität Hohenheim
  • Copenhagen Business School
  • Leuphana University of Lünenburg
  • Universitè Paris-Dauphine
  • University of St. Gallen
  • Henley Business School, University of Reading 
  • ESCP Business School 
  • SKEMA Business School 
  • HEC Liège Management School, University of Liège
  • The University of Adelaide

Partners of research labs and centres

  • Cass Business School
  • European Centre for Living Technology (ECLT)
  • Arcada University of Applied Sciences
  • Bicocca University Milano
  • University of Chieti and Pescara
  • University of Southern Denmark
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Westminster
  • Columbia University
  • Cass Business School
  • Il Sole 24 Ore
  • MobilityUp
  • ITL (Institute for Transport and Logistics) Foundation
  • POLIMI Graduate School of Management
  • University of Salerno
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
  • University of Modena & Reggio Emilia
  • Yordas Group
  • Columbia University
  • LUISS University
  • University of Modena & Reggio Emilia
  • Warwick Business School
  • HEC Montréal
  • ESCP Business School
  • University of Leicester
  • University of Florence
  • University of Macerata
  • University of Trieste 
  • University of Bergamo
  • University of Modena & Reggio Emilia 
  • UIBE (University of International Business and Economics) of Beijing
  • Suzhou University
  • GERC (Global Entrepreneurship Research Center), Zhejiang University Hangzhou
  • BDO Italy

Data: from 2018 to 2022

Location of universities and institutions part of our network

  • Tampa - Florida, US
  • Bretagne - Pays de la Loire, France
  • Colchester, UK
  • London, UK
  • Bath, UK
  • Cranfield, UK
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Birmingham, UK
  • Washington, DC, US
  • Agder, Norway
  • Brasilia, Brasil
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Montréal, Canada
  • Stuttgart, Germany
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Lüneburg, Germany
  • Paris, France
  • Gallen, Switzerland
  • Reading, UK
  • Lille, France
  • Liège, Belgium
  • Adelaide, Australia
  • Westminster, UK
  • Warwick, UK
  • Cass, UK
  • New York, US
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Pennsylvania, US
  • Zhejiang, Cina
  • Suzhou, Cina
  • Beijing, Cina
  • Milan, Italy, 
  • Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • Rome, Italy
  • Tourin, Italy
  • Salerno, Italy
  • Florence, Italy

Visiting Partners

The School provides organisational support to numerous institutions from all over the world interested in bringing their students to Venice to study abroad. Whether for a full academic semester or for shorter timeframes, throughout the year, the School hosts several Partner Universities and offers lectures, or postgraduate seminars on a wide range of topics.

We are educational partner of

The University of Adelaide
ESCP Business School
HEC Liège Management School - Liège Université
Henley Business School, University of Reading
Universität Hohenheim
Skema Business School
Stevens Institute of Technology, the innovation university

EUTOPIA alliance

Ca’ Foscari is the only Italian university to have joined EUTOPIA (European Universities Transforming into an Open Inclusive Academy for 2050), an alliance of 10 European universities that share a common vision and collaborate with the goal to co-design the university of the future.

EUTOPIA’s partners work by promoting values such as integrity, academic freedom, knowledge sharing, and openness to a wide international community.

Eutopia European University

Last update: 28/08/2024