Specialized tutoring

The specialized tutoring is a service aimed at students who are enrolled in the degree programmes offered by VSM and includes didactic activities that integrate the programme itself, and initiatives in the disciplinary areas where basic training gaps are present.

The service is carried out by students enrolled in doctoral and master's degree courses, selected through specific application processes.

All students will be able to contact tutors via their institutional email address (matricola@stud.unive.it) indicating their name, matriculation number and degree programme in the subject line.

Please, note that only emails related to the service offered will receive an answer.

The tutoring activity is organised in:

  • supporting students in using the Ca' Foscari Competency Centre platform, where the exercises are carried out;
  • monitoring of students' execution of the exercises, and sending ah hoc reminders for participation in the meetings;
  • support in understanding the various parts of some reports given to the students, following some exercises;
  • support in preparing useful materials for the lessons;
  • availability for content and technical clarification for students who needed it. 

Tutor: Giulia Milani ( giulia.milani@unive.it)

Tutoring supports the following activities:

  • Interacting on Moodle and through virtual meetings
  • Assistance during class projects/assignments
  • Assistance in finding materials and sources for lectures
  • Supporting students who need some clarifications or additional information

Activity schedule:
Meetings will be held weekly throughout the duration of the course, on Thursday from 18:00 to 19:30 pm via Google meet using the following link: https://meet.google.com/fgz-oakg-gvh?authuser=0&hl=it

For any questions or concerns about the course, it is possible to contact the tutor via mail (at least one day before the Thursday meeting).

Tutor: Katarina Stankovic (  893470@stud.unive.it)

The tutoring activity is structured to support students through the following activities:

1. Assist students in group work through scheduled meetings and additional volunteer sessions
2. Provide support related to practical classroom activities
3. Address any doubts related to the case study

*If you have questions about the course content or exam information, please send the questions to  898465@stud.unive.it at least 1 day before the meeting on Tuesday. Students who have questions are encouraged to attend the meeting at the same time since one person's doubt might be similar to others. 

Calendar of activities

The meetings will take place every week for the duration of the course on Tuesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. Additional sessions can be organized based on the students' needs. The meetings will take place online on Zoom at the following link: https://unive.zoom.us/j/82111234368.  

The meeting will be held on Thursday from 2.00 to 3.00 p.m., starting from 4 April 2024, on-line.

Contact the Tutor in advance to confirm the appointment.

However, the Tutor provides flexibility on both day and time, especially in the weeks prior to exam sessions.

The meetings will be aimed at clarifying any difficult profiles encountered during the lectures or in the study of the assigned volume and additional materials, as well as in the analysis of practical cases that will be presented in class.

Tutor: Costanza Morato
e-mail:  costanza.morato@unive.it
Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/pjd-kbdu-xph

Last update: 28/08/2024