Eligibility for English at level B2 
Language requirements

In order to graduate, all undergraduate students whose programmes of study are taught in Italian are required to demonstrate a B2-level knowledge of English before concluding their studies.

Preparing for your test

The University offers a variety of online and/or classroom courses to support you in your preparation for the English test: access procedures, dates and further information can be found online on the CLA website on the page dedicated to support courses for CLA B2.

Meeting your language requirements

In order to fulfil your language requirements, you can choose from the following options.

B2 English language test issued by the University Language Centre (CLA B2)

You are permitted four free attempts to demonstrate a B2-level knowledge of English through the University Language Centre over the course of your programme’s duration.

If you do not pass the exam on your first attempt, you will be required to complete a self-guided online language improvement course before being able to register to take the test again. From October 2020, students who enrolled in the 2019/20 academic year or earlier will be required to complete this course if they fail the English language exam.

Students who have already taken normal or intensive English courses in the past are excused from having to take the online self-guided language improvement course.

If you fail to pass the English language test four times, you will only be able to fulfil your English language requirement by providing recognized certification.

Recognised certifications

You can obtain certification from an officially recognized certifying body or a certificate from the CLA centre or from a university language school on the list in the Recognised Certification section.

The only intermediate level certification accepted is certification for proficiency at Levels B 2.2 and above.

In order to obtain the recognition of your language certification(s), send an request for assistance that includes copies of the certificate(s) as attachments by choosing from the menu:

  • Enrolment and registration/*choose your course* if you obtained the certification(s) before enrolling and if you did not include it among the documentation you provided during the pre-enrolment phase;
  • Student and graduate Careers/Exams if you obtained your certificate(s) after enrolment.

If you obtain your certification via the University Language Centre (CLA), your records will automatically be updated to reflect this.

Students enrolled in previous academic years

For programmes taught entirely in English, certificated understanding of English language at at least level B2 is required as an admission requirement: possession of this can also be acquired after enrolment but before and not after 31st December 2017. After this date, students cannot take any exam until fulfilling this required understanding.

Meeting your Language Requirements

Students can:

  • take a specific level test: the results will be published soon;
  • obtain a certificate at an official certification agency or a qualifying examination at CLA or another linguistic university training center included in the list seen in the Recognised Certifications section of this webpage.

Updating your administrative Profile

For recognition, the certifications obtained externally will be sent to the Student Administration Unit: certifications should attest the verification of all four abilities; in cases of certificates achieved at CLA, the career will automatically be updated. If certifications or achievements on a partial level are provided, only the ones relative to achieving level B2.2 will be considered valid.

From the A.Y. 2013/2014 onwards, all students enrolling on a Bachelor's degree programme must have passed their B2 level English language test before taking their degree.

To prepare for your B2 level English language test you choose either or both of the following options:

  • Access suggested learning materials on the CLA website;
  • Attend intensive classroom courses (subject to availability of places) organized by the CLA centre: these courses are free of charge the first time around and subsequently fee-paying.

Students who enrolled in AY 2013/2014 or in AY 2014/2015 will be exempted from taking the B2 English language test provided that they have:

  • passed either the English Language 1 or Anglo-American Language 1 exam (12 ECTS): in this case you will automatically be exempted from taking the test two weeks after the exam has been registered. If the waiver fails to appear, you should send an email to the student administration unit at  carriere.studenti@unive.it;
  • certification at Level B2 or above listed in the Recognised Certification section: in this case you should submit your certification to the Student Administration Unit (Bachelor's and Master's degrees) which will register your exemption from taking the test.

Students who enrolled prior to A.Y. 2013/2014 are not required to include the B2 English language requirements in their study plan and may choose between the following:

  • To maintain their current B1 language test (the test may be taken free of charge up to three times during their studies);
  • Include the B2 English language test in their study plan as an alternative to their eventual B1 English language test or as an elective test to obtain additional ECTS in view of their future enrolment on a master’s degree programme.

English as a vehicular language

Students who enrolled in a degree programme in the language area prior to AY 2013/2014 must include the Further Language Skills (Vehicular English) exam in their study plans. This exam may be taken by following the same procedures laid down for B2 English language test. The English as a vehicular language exam does not replace the B1 English test and may only be taken after the student has passed the B1 test.

The following students are exempted from taking the English as a vehicular language exam provided that they have:

  • passed either the English Language 1 or Anglo-American Language 1 exam (12 ECTS): in this case you will automatically be exempted from taking the test two weeks after the exam has been recorded. If the waiver fails to appear, you should send an email to the student administration unit;
  • certification at Level B2 or above listed in the Recognised Certification section: in this case you should submit your certification to the Student Administration Unit (Bachelor's and Master's degrees) which will register your exemption from taking the test.

Last update: 15/05/2024